Yueru Low-Tier Memelord Gender Male Guildcard 42003304 Tuesday at 10:48 PM #1 Looking to sell these items. I am mainly interested in Photon Drops and Photon Spheres but I am open to offers and negotiations. Dark Flow [55/0/35/0|75] - 425pd - res Dark Flow [0/40/0/30|75] - 400 pd - res Last edited: Wednesday at 5:14 PM
Looking to sell these items. I am mainly interested in Photon Drops and Photon Spheres but I am open to offers and negotiations. Dark Flow [55/0/35/0|75] - 425pd - res Dark Flow [0/40/0/30|75] - 400 pd - res
Yueru Low-Tier Memelord Gender Male Guildcard 42003304 Wednesday at 5:13 PM #2 Update: I am holding these items for someone. I will update the thread once the sale goes through.