Rayka's Trade List(Closed)


※For various reasons, temporarily suspended trading.
 The reopening date has not yet been determined.

Thank you for looking <3
If you have interested, plz DM me.(Discord:rayka2628)
The list will be updated as needed.
also, open to negotiating a lower price, thank you.

Please pay 0.5 pds in 250,000 mesetas.


Photon Drop(Meseta)

・Charge Calibur +7 [0/0/50/45|50] - 2pds
・Berserk Calibur [40/0/0/45|55] - 3pds
・ Asteron Belt [0/0/0/0|0] - 1pd
・Spirit Diska [0/0/0/0|60] - 3pds
・Diska of Braveman [15/45/0/0|35] - 1pd
・Raygun +2 [0/20/0/0|70] - 3pds
・Raygun +8 [0/0/40/0|90] - 7pds
・Laser +3 [0/15/0/0|75] - 1pd
・Charge Laser [0/0/0/0|50] x5 - 1pd each
・Berserk Laser [0/0/0/0|50] - 1pd
・Gush Striker +7 [0/0/0/0|65] - 1pd
・Striker +2 [0/0/0/0|70] - 2pds
・ Silence Claw [0/0/15/20|55] - 1pd
Soul Banish [0/0/0/15|30] - 1pd
Soul Banish +9 [0/25/20/0|35] - 1pd
Holy Ray [0/0/35/0|0] - 1pd
Rambling May [35/0/15/0|0] - 1pd
・ Rambling May [0/0/0/0|0] x3 - 1pd each
・ Monkey King Bar [0/20/15/15|0] - 1pd
・Monkey King Bar [20/0/0/25|0] - 1pd
・Madam's Umbrella [20/0/0/0|20] - 2pds
・Frozen Shooter +9 [0/0/0/0|0] - 1pd
Demonic Fork [0/0/0/0|15] - 1pd
Partisan of Lightning [0/0/0/0|40] - 3pds
・Solferino [0/0/0/0|25] - 1pd
・Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|35] - 3pds
・Glide Divine [25/0/0/0|0] - 1pd
・Glide Divine [0/25/0/15|0] - 1pd
・Ancient Saber [0/15/0/0|40] - 0.5pd
・Berserk TypeKN/Claw [0/0/0/0|50] x2 - 1pd each
・Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|35] - 3pds
HUmar, RAmar tech set(without jellen) x2 - 2pds
・Dragon's Claw x2 - 1pd
・Berill Photon - 15pds
・Star Amplifier - 1pd
・ Parts of Egg Blaster x4 - 0.5pd each
・Panther's Spirit - 1pd
・Amplifier of Foie - 0.5pd
・Tablet x6 - 0.5pd each
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