Random Quest fail in PoD?


Ckarl was just walking along, and then he got kicked to Pioneer 2, And it said the mission failed, then wouldn't let him Telepipe back down into the Subdesert.
Amazing. Possibly happened because of daylight savings?

I believe the quest script retrieves the time (used in timers) as Unix/Epoch time, but now I'm wondering if Sega internally retrieved it some other way and converted the localized time to Unix time.
Yes, if you play a timed quest at 2 AM and have Windows set to adjust the clock for DST, you will instantly lose an hour on the quest clock when Windows changes your time zone.
lmao thats pretty funny, first time I think I've seen that. The way PSO handles timers/Beats has always been kinda funny. On Schtserv, People used to adjust their PC clock to manipulate beats to get Divine punishment with Mille marteaux and heavenstriker, at least until Lee fixed it.
People used to adjust their PC clock to manipulate beats to get Divine punishment with Mille marteaux and heavenstriker, at least until Lee fixed it.
That shouldn't be possible. The server tells the client what the Internet Time is when you log on. You can only manipulate Heaven Punisher when you play offline.
That shouldn't be possible. The server tells the client what the Internet Time is when you log on. You can only manipulate Heaven Punisher when you play offline.

I abused it myself at the time lol so it was indeed a thing. They fucked somethin up. Lee fiddled with the client so much it doesn't surprise me that it worked.