Raising mag - Mitra lv 200


Hello there,

I'm wondering if it is posible to raise a Mitra to lv 200 with acceptable stats ? i saw a raising guide by Miku that i dont really understand (french here, maybe i miss things in his explanation) (https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/mikus-mag-raising-guide.28244/) :

"I don't use trimates/trifluids/star atomizers to help raise mags (except if you're specifically a Tapas/Mitra/Surya as on those it'll save a huge amount of time compared to using monos, or if you're raising a mind mag on an android you can just give it all fluids and not care) as I find those to be more expensive than they're really worth but you can also use them to get a little extra stats. You can also bypass levels by gaining 2 or more levels at once. Mags will not do their normal evolutions at level 50 and higher if these levels are bypassed. By doing this it's possible to get the normally level 35-49 mags as high as level 199."

I dont completly understand the feeding plan from 1 to 200. Did someone ever done that and can help me to understand the feeding steps if it's something that can be done.

Ty by advance <3

Hello there,

I'm wondering if it is posible to raise a Mitra to lv 200 with acceptable stats ? i saw a raising guide by Miku that i dont really understand (french here, maybe i miss things in his explanation) (https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/mikus-mag-raising-guide.28244/) :

"I don't use trimates/trifluids/star atomizers to help raise mags (except if you're specifically a Tapas/Mitra/Surya as on those it'll save a huge amount of time compared to using monos, or if you're raising a mind mag on an android you can just give it all fluids and not care) as I find those to be more expensive than they're really worth but you can also use them to get a little extra stats. You can also bypass levels by gaining 2 or more levels at once. Mags will not do their normal evolutions at level 50 and higher if these levels are bypassed. By doing this it's possible to get the normally level 35-49 mags as high as level 199."

I dont completly understand the feeding plan from 1 to 200. Did someone ever done that and can help me to understand the feeding steps if it's something that can be done.

Ty by advance <3

lol that’s funny I just answered this yesterday in the quick answer thread

Basically you can keep any mag in its second stage evo as long as you skip over the evolution levels that are a multiple of 5 (by leveling 2 levels at once).

No you cannot get it to 200, you can get it to 199 so the stat loss is negligible. Just make sure you get the IQ to 200 along the way and if you ever die with it you won’t be able to regain the synchro (also non-important)

Ok… have fun!
lol that’s funny I just answered this yesterday in the quick answer thread

Basically you can keep any mag in its second stage evo as long as you skip over the evolution levels that are a multiple of 5 (by leveling 2 levels at once).

No you cannot get it to 200, you can get it to 199 so the stat loss is negligible. Just make sure you get the IQ to 200 along the way and if you ever die with it you won’t be able to regain the synchro (also non-important)

Ok… have fun!
thanks for this return man :)

Simple and clear :)