discord: .phelix
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PSOStats is a tool that runs alongside the pso client and records quest runs. It uploads recorded runs to which generates graphs, records leaderboards, and (coming soon) overall player/server statistics. There's some screenshots below or head to the site and view some games.
You can download it at, at the moment account registration is a manual process so just message me (phelix#2844) the username you'd like and I'll get you set up.
I can't promise I can or will do everything requested but I'm very interested in bug reports/feature requests/any other feedback.
For those interested the source and issue tracker is on github. You should only need golang installed to build and run it yourself.

You can download it at, at the moment account registration is a manual process so just message me (phelix#2844) the username you'd like and I'll get you set up.
I can't promise I can or will do everything requested but I'm very interested in bug reports/feature requests/any other feedback.
For those interested the source and issue tracker is on github. You should only need golang installed to build and run it yourself.

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