PSOBB_Dashboard App


Hi, all.

Well...I originally planned on building just a cross platform Desktop banking app, but it evolved into a more generalized dashboard. I will add a more detailed explanation on what this entails when I feel less lazy. This is my first time really building any fullstack desktop app from scratch, and I also intended for this app to contain both session and saved application state, so that along with learning UI/UX and trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible, means it might be a while before the app contains the all the features that I want it and in an aesthetic I'm satisfied with-- but I do plan on making the app capable of receiving optional downloadable updates, so I could release a stable beta version of it while I continue to develop it

But here's a quick demo with the current working pages of the app, the other pages are in development:

Btw, it appears slow and janky because it's in a debug/development environment and not fully compiled-- should be much, much smoother and faster with the fully compiled binary.
I'm open to discuss any suggestions/ideas!
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