Possible bugged item


I'm trying trade my S rank needle to a different character, however everytime I try to make the trade it fails and I get the desync abnormality message across the screen. I have tried logging out, changing blocks and ships. The game lets me trade other items as normal but everytime I trade the s rank it fails..
well ive traded it before as I recall.. I just would like to be sure before I drop it and it desync can anyone confirm this
Sranks cannot be traded in the 'trade window' (unless it was fixed?).

But your able to drop trade anything. A room desyncing is to do with connection. Try using block 2 of the ship that's best for you.

If it's already desynced it could be that the srank is something else/somewhere else and what you see is wrong etcetc. Try reloading character data: relog or change blocks.
S-Ranks can be traded through the Trade Window if they have no special. Once you add a special, you have to drop it to pass it to another character.
S-Ranks can be traded through the Trade Window if they have no special. Once you add a special, you have to drop it to pass it to another character.

Interesting. So it's the adding of a special that bugs it out.