Nostalgic Noob!

Howdy everyone!
Played way back on the DC and then Xbox. Just found this server!
Looking forward to hunting with everyone!
Currently have a FOmarl (lv18) Vannes and my HUcast Munter.

EEEeeeeee!!! *POUNCES and examines Munter-san carefully!* Aaaaand yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen prey to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Hmmmm, a FOmarl eh? Mew may Just has the MIND MAG for you to get your mojo flowing! Let her know when you're usually online and we'll try to coordinate a meeting, dear! FO's start off EXTRA Any Less Trauma should be XD! Very happy to see you've found us! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you too! Welcome Home! =3!