Newish Player Here


Hello all, I'll keep this semi-brief because it's late as I'm posting this, but figured I'm somewhat overdue with this.

I will start off saying I'm not too much of a forum poster anymore, so you might hardly see me on here, but I'll try to check in from time to time.

As for the title, probably like most of the people here (I assume), I am new to the server, but been a long time player. I can't tell you how much time I've dedicated to the game back on the Gamecube. Without actually busting it out and check, I want to think the highest level character I had was probably a 120 HUmar. I've also sunk in a lot of time on other characters, but those one elude me right now.

I've been having an itch here and there going back to the game, but the old one doesn't feel quite right for me anymore, probably due to how modern games look and feel. Don't get me wrong I still love busting out classics, but playing the Gamecube over Composite on newer TVs just don't feel the same to me. In comes this server when I have an itch for this game.

I'm always open to party as that's how I've been gaming over the recent years, and as for what the party entails, well, just about anything. Granted as I'm lower leveled, I may focus more on leveling, but it's nice to change it up from time to time.

For now though, depending on my mood, you likely catch me on either Morgarra (HUnewearl), MetalMan (RAcast), or Neptune (FOmarl). Hope to party with others in-game at some point!
Welcome to Ephinea PSOBB! I hope you enjoy your stay! ^^
I haven't shared my guild cards to make friends, but I will enjoy partying with you whenever you're on.
I have a few characters to work on to reach for Ultimate for higher rare drops and other rares to grind on monster kill numbers.
I also have a GameCube with broadband and can only access a few private servers that are usually alive...
I want to return to consoles but wish to support Ephinea Private Server above all else...
I hope to meet you in-game. Also, look out for the characters in my signature! ;)
welcome in ♡ !!
always luv seeing gamecube veterans wash upon our shores in search of that old nostalgic itch ^^
feel free to shout at mayu if u ever need help or simply wanna chat! happy new year !!
Hello all, I'll keep this semi-brief because it's late as I'm posting this, but figured I'm somewhat overdue with this.

I will start off saying I'm not too much of a forum poster anymore, so you might hardly see me on here, but I'll try to check in from time to time.

As for the title, probably like most of the people here (I assume), I am new to the server, but been a long time player. I can't tell you how much time I've dedicated to the game back on the Gamecube. Without actually busting it out and check, I want to think the highest level character I had was probably a 120 HUmar. I've also sunk in a lot of time on other characters, but those one elude me right now.

I've been having an itch here and there going back to the game, but the old one doesn't feel quite right for me anymore, probably due to how modern games look and feel. Don't get me wrong I still love busting out classics, but playing the Gamecube over Composite on newer TVs just don't feel the same to me. In comes this server when I have an itch for this game.

I'm always open to party as that's how I've been gaming over the recent years, and as for what the party entails, well, just about anything. Granted as I'm lower leveled, I may focus more on leveling, but it's nice to change it up from time to time.

For now though, depending on my mood, you likely catch me on either Morgarra (HUnewearl), MetalMan (RAcast), or Neptune (FOmarl). Hope to party with others in-game at some point!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! *POUNCES and examines the tuxxies-san wiff a warm fanged grin~!* Aaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! *Picks you up and dusts you off frowning...* DON'T Sell yourself Short, dammit~! Telling yourself you'd be of less use to others in a party because you're 'lower leveled' Gimps your growth and dishonors your efforts of your prior HUmar's lvl 120ish life, no? Morga-san, Metal-san, aaand Neppies-san will undoubtedbly surpass him....granted with watching how Others interact with you on a World Stage~! You'll be Fiiiiine, luv!
And Yes, there are far moar superior eye candy games and Jiggle physics that put this 24 year old Gem of a game to shame in Modern 4K LED High def resolution TV/Monitor screens...but that's the point isn't it? Do Any of these 'new games' evoke the same happy "Sigh" upon hearing the very First few opening notes of the PSO title screen?? Or induce the anxiety of first creating your character...(ok, MOST games induce that shyt when creating a character with eye shape, hair...Boob size.... XD!)...BOUNCING BOOBIES be DAMNED! You had an 'Itch' and only a 24 year old pixelated SEGA based game could Scratch it!
You're Moar than welcomed here, dear! *Pl
aces her tiny paw on your waist to turn you around to join the sea of smiling war painted and battle scarred faces waiting to party up wiff you!* Welcome HOME~! =3
Actually, I was only making the comment specifically about PSO with the TV bit, because it just looks too damn fuzzy to me because of the composite connection. I just can't really go back to it, unless maybe I had an older tube tv or CRT. Then again, for me, this could apply to a number of the older 3d games of that era.