Miku's new store!


Not interested in badges anymore. You can buy my stuff with PDs or PCs, with 1 PC = 1.5 PD.

Megid Lv 29 - 10 PD
0/15/0/0|0 Lame - 8 PD
God/Ability: 2.5 PD
Photon Crystals: 1.5 PD each - Have 4 currently
God/Battle: 0.5PD
Resta level 30: 0.5PD
Jellen/Zalure/Shifta/Deband level 30: 1PD
6 HP mats / 6 Power mats / 12 Mind mats / 50 Def mats / 50 Evade mats: 1 PD
A low % Tyrell's Parasol, Madam's Umbrella, Solferino, or Slicer of Fanatic: 1 PD
500k meseta: 1PD

If you spend 1 PD to get a 0.5 PD item, I'll give you 250k meseta as change. But I do not accept meseta as payment currently.

Want to Buy:
Max Stats or at least Max Dfp Aura Field - Currently offering 40 PDs or 45 if it also has max evp.
Max Stats or at least Max Dfp Brightness Circle - Currently offering 40 PDs or 45 if it also has max evp.
Heavenly/Resist - I'll give 1 PD or 1 PC or 2 luck mats for this
Heaven Punisher - Currently offering 2 Photon Spheres + 120 Photon drops for this.
More Dragon Scales - Currently only offering 2 PD for these though.
30+ hit Heaven Striker - Offer

Let me know if you're interested in any of this stuff either by posting or by PM.
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Your offer on a shadow sniper?
Idk, what do you want for Shadow Sniper? A few mats, a couple hundred thousand meseta, a few silver badges, or what? I really want some of them lol, but I don't know how much they're really worth. But I figure there's something of value I could give for it. What would you like?
Idk, what do you want for Shadow Sniper? A few mats, a couple hundred thousand meseta, a few silver badges, or what? I really want some of them lol, but I don't know how much they're really worth. But I figure there's something of value I could give for it. What would you like?

I'm not gonna let it go for meseta or a few mats

How bout 2pd or 1 gold badge?
I'm not gonna let it go for meseta or a few mats

How bout 2pd or 1 gold badge?
Hmm, I guess never mind then. If they're that valuable, I'll check the shop on low level characters until I get them in bulk from an NPC or something. Can't believe that it'd cost me like 20 pd to get enough of those and seize launchers from buying them if they cost that much each.
Hmm, I guess never mind then. If they're that valuable, I'll check the shop on low level characters until I get them in bulk from an NPC or something. Can't believe that it'd cost me like 20 pd to get enough of those and seize launchers from buying them if they cost that much each.

My last seize launcher, I sold for 8pd. Seize launchers aren't in shops, I dont think Shadow Sniper is either.
Hmm, well I found Shadow Sniper's on Sange's Tradelist for 111k. I'll just get some of those. Now I just need Seize Launchers.