New version (1.3.0):
Intro: event quests are the best options if listed. If not, then if you're rich and don't really care about PDs that much, go with one of the fastest farm without even quests. But if you want more PDs and can just buy lots of stuff still, you want to choose one of the best PD value without events.
Other good quests of note not listed above you should consider doing:
PW3 box resets (good for PDs, DoBs, and some amplifiers and other tools, as well as building up materials and meseta if you want those)
Almost any other CF, MAE, or cookie quest is also a very strong choice
Some of these can be combined. Like Ma2v2 you can have a pink and a viridia, and hunt for both torr and mil lily, and have one player quit if the other rare enemy shows up. This can be an efficient way to hunt both RM and FS.
Still more items to come but that's all for now.
Edited: Old version (1.2.0 below)
I've made a spreadsheet with the overall best value per minute of things to farm and would like to say my results.
This is a top 10 list, and only allows up to 1 of each quest so the top won't be dominated by several different IDs of the same quest. Sure, the quest that is number 1 is still useful to run on like 4 different IDs, but those are easy to think of. I'd rather give a wider variety of suggestions so that it gives people as many good farming ideas as possible. It assumes there is no event, weekly boost, etc. currently going on. Yes this means quests like TE or PoD should arguably be higher as they can benefit from a 50% boost to their main attractions during rare enemy week, whereas most only really get a 25% boost at best. Note that this is highly opinionated and uses my own personal values for how much I think each different item is worth. Yes even the common weapons can have value with high enough percentages and that is taken into account here.
Number 10:
A new hope (solo mode, A1, Yellowboze) - play only through the double gryphons fight. Good value for Galatine, L&K 38 combat, and good boxes and likely good meseta from defeating the 2 Gryphons. Just be sure to bring scape dolls. Fairly easy fight if you have virtually any Cannon Rouge. Also make sure to have Frozen Shooter and/or freeze traps to stop the Maricarols. The good news here is that almost all the scary enemies are solo so you can just freeze then with a Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen and then tear them apart with a nsh combo of demon's mechguns to usually just kill them.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.218
Notes: if you can't beat this on A1, you can play on vanilla ultimate but I strongly recommend A1 so that the weapons enemies drop will have a higher pattern and thus can have higher % so the nonrare weapons you can get here will be a lot better.
Number 9:
The fake in yellow (solo mode, A10, Pinkal) - just scare and rehit all the rappies. Very fast PDs, and can also get Agito (1975) for extra value.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.220
Notes: play on skyly if you'd rather get angel harps.
Number 8:
Respective Tomorrow(A10, Pinkal) - scare and rehit the 2 rappies and restart if no mil lily. If there is a mil lily, stand by the other lily and spam barta or use a gun until you kill the mil lily. Great for both Rambling May and Vivienne and also gives some PDs.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.227
Number 7:
MA4A/MA4B/MA4C(A10, any ID) - scare and rehit the 12 rappies at the start and loot all the PDs and mats. Armors too if you want to sell them to get more meseta.
Overal photon drop value per minute: 0.276
Number 6:
Point of Disaster(A1, Purplenum) - Defeat Kondrieu as quickly as possible. Mostly for Heaven Striker but can give a few other goodies along the way.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.278
Notes: Similar to in number 10, if you can't do A1, that's okay, but I highly recommend you do so that the weapons will all be pattern 4 and thus you will get a lot better of common weapons here.
Number 5:
Cal's Clock Challenge (No anguish, Pinkal) - Very fast a lot of things here, and one of the best ways to hunt Rambling May and Vivienne. Try to kill all enemies as quickly as possible and restart after the temple, although wait at least long enough for the last set of rappies to be able to get up before moving on to the spaceship. For this one, unless you're insanely good, you need at least 3 players.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.301
Notes: This quest is also good for Flowen 3084 or Diska of Braveman if you want to use other IDs here.
Number 4:
Tyrell's Ego (A1, White) - Clear the forest and don't bother fighting the dragon. A1 mainly just for more PDs here and it should barely take any longer than vanilla ultimate. Very fast Frozen Shooters and also gives DoB and Handgun: Milla as extra bonuses. And yes, this is a pretty big value per minute jump from the previous ones since it is just so fast if you play it right.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.374
Notes: Can also hunt heaven punisher here or Pwand if you want to go through the first group of lilies in the cave.
Number 3:
Phantasmal World 2 (A1, Pinkal) - With a huge number of enemies that can drop pattern 4 weapons and a huge number of enemies that can drop a Lame d'Argent, and you just get to kill tons of enemies in general and get lots of PDs and can also get Diska of Braveman and Madam's Umbrella, it's tough for most quests to compete with the value given here. Lames given here are better than ones from the mines as they're a lot less likely to have A.beast/machine/dark which actually makes them more valuable. Just kill everything like normal.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.381
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.
Number 2:
New Mop-up Operation 3 (A1, Greenill) - Only kill the enemies before the 3rd warp. With a whopping 44 pyro gorans and a whole bunch of other enemies that drop weapons, and just an insane amount of enemies killed per second here, you'll be swimming in PDs, Heaven Strikers, and Diskas of Braveman. Doable in solo mode or as part of a team and goes very fast with forces. Best is FOnewm with Ignition Cloak, Magical Piece, and Gifoie Merge as gifoie can so often hit new enemies when they spawn to do so much damage it's insane. For this being the supposed best based on my calculations, I sure rarely ever see any rooms of it open. But I'd like to play it a lot and please let me know if you'd like to do some runs of it.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.441
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons. This is also good on Green for V101 and Heaven Striker, White for Slicer of Fanatic, or Purple for Yasminkov 9000M and any of those IDs still makes this give more value per minute than my number 2 since you'll still also get so many good pattern 4 weapons, PDs, etc., as it just kills so many enemies so quickly and so many of them have the weapon type of drops.
Number 1:
Lost Soul Blade (A1, Yellowboze) - Only bother with Mines 1 and you'll still get a whole bunch of Sinow Blues. Very similar to PW2, this gives a whole bunch of Lame chances and pattern 4 weapons chances but is overall slightly better since it's a whole heck of a lot faster per run and yellow naturally comes with a higher attribute chance than any other ID.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.490
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.
Version history
v1.2.0 - Fixed time some things take to be overall more accurate. Lost Soul Blade is now number 1! Also changed number 2 to Greenill for the nonrare weapons. Getting more rifles is far better than getting more sabers/canes and this matters a lot with the anguish boosts. The other differences between green and red are fairly minimal anyways. One gets a tiny bit of DoBs and other a tiny bit of V101 chances.
v1.1.0 - Updated photon drop value of number 1 as it takes longer than I had used in previous calculations. Still number 1 but now barely so.
v1 - initial version
Intro: event quests are the best options if listed. If not, then if you're rich and don't really care about PDs that much, go with one of the fastest farm without even quests. But if you want more PDs and can just buy lots of stuff still, you want to choose one of the best PD value without events.
Item | Event Quests | Fastest farm without events | Best PD value without events |
Heaven Striker | MAE: Desert, cookie desert, cookie seabed | EN4, NMU3, NMU4 ( | MAE: Ep4 (red/green/purple), freebed, MA4b, MA4c |
Lame d'Argent | CF4, MAE: Crater, cookie crater | PW2, SU3, POD, MA4c | PW2, MAE: Ep4 (oran), MA4c |
Spread Needle | MAE: Ruins, cookie ruins | Simulator 2.0 (if you can handle it), SR4 if not | Simulator 2.0 (if you can handle it), SR4 if not |
Calibur, or really any high hit nonrare weapon | Don't waste events on this | EN4 on A3 kill the claws, or MA 4th Stage 2 (any) kill up through the gees on A3 | EN4 on A3 kill the claws, or MA 4th Stage 2 (any) kill up through the gees on A3 |
Rambling May | MAE: Temple, cookie temple | MA2v2 Only the Chosen One route | CCC |
Vivienne | MAE: Temple, cookie temple | LSR | CCC |
Frozen Shooter | MAE: Forest, cookie forest | TE, MA2v2, Simulator 2.0 | TE |
Psycho Wand | MAE: Caves, MAE: Seabed, cookie caves, cookie seabed | MA4th Stage 1 quests | PW3 |
Heaven Punisher | MAE: Forest, MAE: CCA, cookie forest, cookie jungle | TE, MAE: gdv, SU7, or MA 4th stage 2C | TE |
Handgun: Milla | None worth it | MU1 or LHS | TE |
Handgun: Guld | Cookie ruins | FOAM or LHP | LBA |
Slicer of Fanatic | None worth it | WoL2 (can reset after the lizards from the first 3 waves) | MAE: Ep4 |
Cannon Rouge | CF4, MAE: Crater, Cookie crater | MA4c red | MAE: Ep4 |
Daylight Scar | MAE: SS, Cookie SS, CF2 | LBA | LBA, PoD, or MAE: Ep4 |
Galatine | None worth it | A new Hope (reset after 2 gryphons) | MAE: Ep4 |
Red Ring | None worth it | TTF | MA4th Stage 1c |
Pgf | None worth it | RT or freebed | RT or freebed |
Other good quests of note not listed above you should consider doing:
PW3 box resets (good for PDs, DoBs, and some amplifiers and other tools, as well as building up materials and meseta if you want those)
Almost any other CF, MAE, or cookie quest is also a very strong choice
Some of these can be combined. Like Ma2v2 you can have a pink and a viridia, and hunt for both torr and mil lily, and have one player quit if the other rare enemy shows up. This can be an efficient way to hunt both RM and FS.
Still more items to come but that's all for now.
Edited: Old version (1.2.0 below)
I've made a spreadsheet with the overall best value per minute of things to farm and would like to say my results.
This is a top 10 list, and only allows up to 1 of each quest so the top won't be dominated by several different IDs of the same quest. Sure, the quest that is number 1 is still useful to run on like 4 different IDs, but those are easy to think of. I'd rather give a wider variety of suggestions so that it gives people as many good farming ideas as possible. It assumes there is no event, weekly boost, etc. currently going on. Yes this means quests like TE or PoD should arguably be higher as they can benefit from a 50% boost to their main attractions during rare enemy week, whereas most only really get a 25% boost at best. Note that this is highly opinionated and uses my own personal values for how much I think each different item is worth. Yes even the common weapons can have value with high enough percentages and that is taken into account here.
Number 10:
A new hope (solo mode, A1, Yellowboze) - play only through the double gryphons fight. Good value for Galatine, L&K 38 combat, and good boxes and likely good meseta from defeating the 2 Gryphons. Just be sure to bring scape dolls. Fairly easy fight if you have virtually any Cannon Rouge. Also make sure to have Frozen Shooter and/or freeze traps to stop the Maricarols. The good news here is that almost all the scary enemies are solo so you can just freeze then with a Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen and then tear them apart with a nsh combo of demon's mechguns to usually just kill them.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.218
Notes: if you can't beat this on A1, you can play on vanilla ultimate but I strongly recommend A1 so that the weapons enemies drop will have a higher pattern and thus can have higher % so the nonrare weapons you can get here will be a lot better.
Number 9:
The fake in yellow (solo mode, A10, Pinkal) - just scare and rehit all the rappies. Very fast PDs, and can also get Agito (1975) for extra value.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.220
Notes: play on skyly if you'd rather get angel harps.
Number 8:
Respective Tomorrow(A10, Pinkal) - scare and rehit the 2 rappies and restart if no mil lily. If there is a mil lily, stand by the other lily and spam barta or use a gun until you kill the mil lily. Great for both Rambling May and Vivienne and also gives some PDs.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.227
Number 7:
MA4A/MA4B/MA4C(A10, any ID) - scare and rehit the 12 rappies at the start and loot all the PDs and mats. Armors too if you want to sell them to get more meseta.
Overal photon drop value per minute: 0.276
Number 6:
Point of Disaster(A1, Purplenum) - Defeat Kondrieu as quickly as possible. Mostly for Heaven Striker but can give a few other goodies along the way.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.278
Notes: Similar to in number 10, if you can't do A1, that's okay, but I highly recommend you do so that the weapons will all be pattern 4 and thus you will get a lot better of common weapons here.
Number 5:
Cal's Clock Challenge (No anguish, Pinkal) - Very fast a lot of things here, and one of the best ways to hunt Rambling May and Vivienne. Try to kill all enemies as quickly as possible and restart after the temple, although wait at least long enough for the last set of rappies to be able to get up before moving on to the spaceship. For this one, unless you're insanely good, you need at least 3 players.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.301
Notes: This quest is also good for Flowen 3084 or Diska of Braveman if you want to use other IDs here.
Number 4:
Tyrell's Ego (A1, White) - Clear the forest and don't bother fighting the dragon. A1 mainly just for more PDs here and it should barely take any longer than vanilla ultimate. Very fast Frozen Shooters and also gives DoB and Handgun: Milla as extra bonuses. And yes, this is a pretty big value per minute jump from the previous ones since it is just so fast if you play it right.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.374
Notes: Can also hunt heaven punisher here or Pwand if you want to go through the first group of lilies in the cave.
Number 3:
Phantasmal World 2 (A1, Pinkal) - With a huge number of enemies that can drop pattern 4 weapons and a huge number of enemies that can drop a Lame d'Argent, and you just get to kill tons of enemies in general and get lots of PDs and can also get Diska of Braveman and Madam's Umbrella, it's tough for most quests to compete with the value given here. Lames given here are better than ones from the mines as they're a lot less likely to have A.beast/machine/dark which actually makes them more valuable. Just kill everything like normal.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.381
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.
Number 2:
New Mop-up Operation 3 (A1, Greenill) - Only kill the enemies before the 3rd warp. With a whopping 44 pyro gorans and a whole bunch of other enemies that drop weapons, and just an insane amount of enemies killed per second here, you'll be swimming in PDs, Heaven Strikers, and Diskas of Braveman. Doable in solo mode or as part of a team and goes very fast with forces. Best is FOnewm with Ignition Cloak, Magical Piece, and Gifoie Merge as gifoie can so often hit new enemies when they spawn to do so much damage it's insane. For this being the supposed best based on my calculations, I sure rarely ever see any rooms of it open. But I'd like to play it a lot and please let me know if you'd like to do some runs of it.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.441
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons. This is also good on Green for V101 and Heaven Striker, White for Slicer of Fanatic, or Purple for Yasminkov 9000M and any of those IDs still makes this give more value per minute than my number 2 since you'll still also get so many good pattern 4 weapons, PDs, etc., as it just kills so many enemies so quickly and so many of them have the weapon type of drops.
Number 1:
Lost Soul Blade (A1, Yellowboze) - Only bother with Mines 1 and you'll still get a whole bunch of Sinow Blues. Very similar to PW2, this gives a whole bunch of Lame chances and pattern 4 weapons chances but is overall slightly better since it's a whole heck of a lot faster per run and yellow naturally comes with a higher attribute chance than any other ID.
Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.490
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.
Version history
v1.2.0 - Fixed time some things take to be overall more accurate. Lost Soul Blade is now number 1! Also changed number 2 to Greenill for the nonrare weapons. Getting more rifles is far better than getting more sabers/canes and this matters a lot with the anguish boosts. The other differences between green and red are fairly minimal anyways. One gets a tiny bit of DoBs and other a tiny bit of V101 chances.
v1.1.0 - Updated photon drop value of number 1 as it takes longer than I had used in previous calculations. Still number 1 but now barely so.
v1 - initial version
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