Miku's best farming quest list (v1.3.0)


New version (1.3.0):
Intro: event quests are the best options if listed. If not, then if you're rich and don't really care about PDs that much, go with one of the fastest farm without even quests. But if you want more PDs and can just buy lots of stuff still, you want to choose one of the best PD value without events.

ItemEvent QuestsFastest farm without eventsBest PD value without events
Heaven StrikerMAE: Desert, cookie desert, cookie seabedEN4, NMU3, NMU4 (
), NMU4 (full), POD, free desert
MAE: Ep4 (red/green/purple), freebed, MA4b, MA4c
Lame d'ArgentCF4, MAE: Crater, cookie craterPW2, SU3, POD, MA4c
PW2, MAE: Ep4 (oran), MA4c
Spread NeedleMAE: Ruins, cookie ruinsSimulator 2.0 (if you can handle it), SR4 if notSimulator 2.0 (if you can handle it), SR4 if not
Calibur, or really any high hit nonrare weaponDon't waste events on thisEN4 on A3 kill the claws, or MA 4th Stage 2 (any) kill up through the gees on A3EN4 on A3 kill the claws, or MA 4th Stage 2 (any) kill up through the gees on A3
Rambling MayMAE: Temple, cookie templeMA2v2 Only the Chosen One route
VivienneMAE: Temple, cookie templeLSRCCC
Frozen ShooterMAE: Forest, cookie forestTE, MA2v2, Simulator 2.0TE
Psycho WandMAE: Caves, MAE: Seabed, cookie caves, cookie seabedMA4th Stage 1 questsPW3
Heaven PunisherMAE: Forest, MAE: CCA, cookie forest, cookie jungleTE, MAE: gdv, SU7, or MA 4th stage 2CTE
Handgun: MillaNone worth itMU1 or LHSTE
Handgun: GuldCookie ruinsFOAM or LHPLBA
Slicer of FanaticNone worth itWoL2 (can reset after the lizards from the first 3 waves)MAE: Ep4
Cannon RougeCF4, MAE: Crater, Cookie craterMA4c red
MAE: Ep4
Daylight ScarMAE: SS, Cookie SS, CF2LBALBA, PoD, or MAE: Ep4
GalatineNone worth itA new Hope (reset after 2 gryphons)MAE: Ep4
Red RingNone worth itTTFMA4th Stage 1c
PgfNone worth itRT or freebedRT or freebed

Other good quests of note not listed above you should consider doing:
PW3 box resets (good for PDs, DoBs, and some amplifiers and other tools, as well as building up materials and meseta if you want those)
Almost any other CF, MAE, or cookie quest is also a very strong choice
Some of these can be combined. Like Ma2v2 you can have a pink and a viridia, and hunt for both torr and mil lily, and have one player quit if the other rare enemy shows up. This can be an efficient way to hunt both RM and FS.

Still more items to come but that's all for now.
Edited: Old version (1.2.0 below)

I've made a spreadsheet with the overall best value per minute of things to farm and would like to say my results.

This is a top 10 list, and only allows up to 1 of each quest so the top won't be dominated by several different IDs of the same quest. Sure, the quest that is number 1 is still useful to run on like 4 different IDs, but those are easy to think of. I'd rather give a wider variety of suggestions so that it gives people as many good farming ideas as possible. It assumes there is no event, weekly boost, etc. currently going on. Yes this means quests like TE or PoD should arguably be higher as they can benefit from a 50% boost to their main attractions during rare enemy week, whereas most only really get a 25% boost at best. Note that this is highly opinionated and uses my own personal values for how much I think each different item is worth. Yes even the common weapons can have value with high enough percentages and that is taken into account here.

Number 10:
A new hope (solo mode, A1, Yellowboze) - play only through the double gryphons fight. Good value for Galatine, L&K 38 combat, and good boxes and likely good meseta from defeating the 2 Gryphons. Just be sure to bring scape dolls. Fairly easy fight if you have virtually any Cannon Rouge. Also make sure to have Frozen Shooter and/or freeze traps to stop the Maricarols. The good news here is that almost all the scary enemies are solo so you can just freeze then with a Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen and then tear them apart with a nsh combo of demon's mechguns to usually just kill them.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.218
Notes: if you can't beat this on A1, you can play on vanilla ultimate but I strongly recommend A1 so that the weapons enemies drop will have a higher pattern and thus can have higher % so the nonrare weapons you can get here will be a lot better.

Number 9:
The fake in yellow (solo mode, A10, Pinkal) - just scare and rehit all the rappies. Very fast PDs, and can also get Agito (1975) for extra value.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.220
Notes: play on skyly if you'd rather get angel harps.

Number 8:
Respective Tomorrow(A10, Pinkal) - scare and rehit the 2 rappies and restart if no mil lily. If there is a mil lily, stand by the other lily and spam barta or use a gun until you kill the mil lily. Great for both Rambling May and Vivienne and also gives some PDs.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.227

Number 7:
MA4A/MA4B/MA4C(A10, any ID) - scare and rehit the 12 rappies at the start and loot all the PDs and mats. Armors too if you want to sell them to get more meseta.
Overal photon drop value per minute: 0.276

Number 6:
Point of Disaster(A1, Purplenum) - Defeat Kondrieu as quickly as possible. Mostly for Heaven Striker but can give a few other goodies along the way.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.278
Notes: Similar to in number 10, if you can't do A1, that's okay, but I highly recommend you do so that the weapons will all be pattern 4 and thus you will get a lot better of common weapons here.

Number 5:
Cal's Clock Challenge (No anguish, Pinkal) - Very fast a lot of things here, and one of the best ways to hunt Rambling May and Vivienne. Try to kill all enemies as quickly as possible and restart after the temple, although wait at least long enough for the last set of rappies to be able to get up before moving on to the spaceship. For this one, unless you're insanely good, you need at least 3 players.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.301
Notes: This quest is also good for Flowen 3084 or Diska of Braveman if you want to use other IDs here.

Number 4:
Tyrell's Ego (A1, White) - Clear the forest and don't bother fighting the dragon. A1 mainly just for more PDs here and it should barely take any longer than vanilla ultimate. Very fast Frozen Shooters and also gives DoB and Handgun: Milla as extra bonuses. And yes, this is a pretty big value per minute jump from the previous ones since it is just so fast if you play it right.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.374
Notes: Can also hunt heaven punisher here or Pwand if you want to go through the first group of lilies in the cave.

Number 3:
Phantasmal World 2 (A1, Pinkal) - With a huge number of enemies that can drop pattern 4 weapons and a huge number of enemies that can drop a Lame d'Argent, and you just get to kill tons of enemies in general and get lots of PDs and can also get Diska of Braveman and Madam's Umbrella, it's tough for most quests to compete with the value given here. Lames given here are better than ones from the mines as they're a lot less likely to have A.beast/machine/dark which actually makes them more valuable. Just kill everything like normal.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.381
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.

Number 2:
New Mop-up Operation 3 (A1, Greenill) - Only kill the enemies before the 3rd warp. With a whopping 44 pyro gorans and a whole bunch of other enemies that drop weapons, and just an insane amount of enemies killed per second here, you'll be swimming in PDs, Heaven Strikers, and Diskas of Braveman. Doable in solo mode or as part of a team and goes very fast with forces. Best is FOnewm with Ignition Cloak, Magical Piece, and Gifoie Merge as gifoie can so often hit new enemies when they spawn to do so much damage it's insane. For this being the supposed best based on my calculations, I sure rarely ever see any rooms of it open. But I'd like to play it a lot and please let me know if you'd like to do some runs of it.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.441
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons. This is also good on Green for V101 and Heaven Striker, White for Slicer of Fanatic, or Purple for Yasminkov 9000M and any of those IDs still makes this give more value per minute than my number 2 since you'll still also get so many good pattern 4 weapons, PDs, etc., as it just kills so many enemies so quickly and so many of them have the weapon type of drops.

Number 1:
Lost Soul Blade (A1, Yellowboze) - Only bother with Mines 1 and you'll still get a whole bunch of Sinow Blues. Very similar to PW2, this gives a whole bunch of Lame chances and pattern 4 weapons chances but is overall slightly better since it's a whole heck of a lot faster per run and yellow naturally comes with a higher attribute chance than any other ID.

Overall photon drop value per minute: 0.490
Notes: Again you don't really have to do A1 but it's so much better if you do for lots of pattern 4 weapons.

Version history
v1.2.0 - Fixed time some things take to be overall more accurate. Lost Soul Blade is now number 1! Also changed number 2 to Greenill for the nonrare weapons. Getting more rifles is far better than getting more sabers/canes and this matters a lot with the anguish boosts. The other differences between green and red are fairly minimal anyways. One gets a tiny bit of DoBs and other a tiny bit of V101 chances.
v1.1.0 - Updated photon drop value of number 1 as it takes longer than I had used in previous calculations. Still number 1 but now barely so.
v1 - initial version
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You're welcome although this is somewhat outdated now, as anguish has been changed and I want to make a newer list that isn't just most photon drop value per minute, but is instead just the 1-2 best ways to hunt for each weapon. I don't want everything to just be lame/heaven striker quests when you can hunt lames when Christmas Fiasco ep4 is available and heaven strikers whenever MAE: Desert is available, and then there are just other things to go for a lot of the rest of the time. Some of the best hunts for some weapons seem to be mysteriously never done?! Like for example, the best way to get Vjayas seems to be Blue very hard Cal's Clock Challenge, as it has like 10 enemies that drop Vjaya and the Hildebears drop it at a rate of 1/45.7 so you can really get them easily. And I never see anyone other than me even attempt it. It's great for leveling up blue characters when you can just hell everything since it's vh so only the Belra's have much resistance to it and all the other enemies should just die if you have V502.

So expect an update at some point but too lazy to do it now.

Also Anguish is pretty useless now except for hunting Rambling May + Vivienne at the start of RT on A10, or just Rambling May or just Vivienne if you do the 3 rappies at the start of LSR on A10. Or you can do the 26 claws at the start of EN4 with razonde spam and it gives a ton of nonrare weapons and PDs and is super easy now that the claws are super slow even on A10. And a few others similar to these. But overall, it seems anguish is just tedious resets now and isn't really worth doing for real on almost any quest except maybe to level up faster but that's about it sadly. I kinda preferred the old anguish where it seemed kinda worth it to go A1 on a lot of stuff now it just doesn't feel worth it at all for such a tiny boost to dar and rdr. Maybe a quest like NMU3 with all FOs it could be worth it to use some Anguish but I haven't tried it yet. Anyone let me know if you want to try this out. I think with 4 FOs ra spam you could just stunlock all the enemies to almost completely negate most of the drawbacks of anguish and it'd just take slightly longer to kill them.
Here is my new list of the best way to hunt each specific item. Limited to only items I think are worth hunting. Note it doesn't include items like the hearts or cards as you can only get those in 1 place each so just look up what quest is best for hunting that one enemy.

CF4 - Christmas Fiasco 4, or simply the quest called Christmas Fiasco while in episode 4.
PW - Phantasmal World
LSB - Lost Soul Blade
POD - Point of Disaster
MA - Maximum Attack
LBB - Lost Berserk Baton
EN - Endless Nightmare
NMU - New Mop-up Operation
GDV - Gal De Val
RT - Respective Tomorrow
CCC - Cal's Clock Challenge
PGF - Parasitic Gene "Flow"
WoL - War of Limits
SU - Sweep Up Operation
LSR - Lost Shock Rifle
TE - Tyrell's Ego
PS - Penumbral Surge

Frequently asked questions:
What's with the if some quest is unavailable or not available stuff?
CF quests are mostly only available at Christmas, and the MAE quests are only available at the anniversary event in August. These are some of the best quests in the game so it should be no surprise they're the best way to get a lot of things when they're available.
Are any quests not included?
Yes I've left out the quests that require a cookie. I think those are best spent just doing crater runs for lames so although they are the best way to hunt a lot of things I don't think it's a good use of cookies to do so.

Lame d'Argent - CF4 is best, PW2/LSB/POD/MAE:Crater best when CF4 is unavailable. Can also hunt using MAE:Ep4 or LBB if you don't mind it being slower but you may get other good stuff along the way. Note that LSB is great for soloing but if you have a team I would recommend one of the other options as they're very likely to have machine from the mines which is often undesirable.
Galatine - A New Hope until the double gryphon is best, but yellow MAE:Ep4 or LBB can also get some of these if that isn't your thing.
Lavis Cannon - CF1 Cave with splitting all the slimes is best, if it's not available MA1 v2 probably next best.
Chain Sawd - EN2 or NMU3
PGF - Seabed with no quest/RT/MAE:GDV
Red Ring/DF Shield - TTF/MA 4th Stage 1C
Flowen's Sword (3084) - CCC temple
Red Sword - MAE: Caves, MA 4th Stage 1B/1C if MAE:Caves is not available
Sealed J-Sword - PW4 first 2 floors reset, A10 if you dare but completely not required.
Zanba/Yunchang/Soul Banish - I never dedicatedly just hunt these but by doing any blue seabed runs you'll incidentally pick them up. Any good RBR quests there or MAE: Seabed will get you some of these whenever those are available. If you want something you can do anytime, just do normal blue seabed runs for these and PGF and some Pwand chances while you're at it.
Daylight Scar/Guren - Oran MAE:Spaceship and I just don't bother trying to hunt this the rest of the time.
Asteron Belt/Holy Ray - Blue TTF up through the 2nd/1st boss. Fastest without anguish especially since it doesn't even seem to affect boss drops at all as far as I can tell. Or at least not when they drop meseta but with 100% dar already getting a tiny bit more rdr doesn't really do much.
Madam's Umbrella/Tyrell's Parasol - Get some of these during your pink PW2 runs. I don't think it's worth hunting individually seeing that even the recent 55h one for auction didn't go for that much.
Madam's Parasol - PW4 first floor on Viridia. Although not going to be popular when the same can get you a Pwand which is far more valuable.
Slicer of Fanatic - WoL2, ma4a/b/c/r resets, or NMU3
Girasole - MA4c
Monkey King Bar - Skyly MAE: GDV up through the first 2 rooms or red SU8
Vivienne/Rambling May - Fastest is LSR first room on A10 just scare and rehit the rappies. But I don't recommend that. Some alternatives: RT first room on A10 scare and rehit the rappies, restart if no Mil Lily. Has 2 rappies and 2 lilies for a total of 4 which gives better odds of a Rambling May or Vivienne than you'll get from just the 3 rappies at the start of LSR. You can also use MAE: Temple or CCC.
Nei's Claw - CF4, SU9 when that's unavailable. But unfortunately there is no good way to hunt this as neither of those is a great ID and will likely have tons and tons of runs of almost no value before giving anything. You could hope they add another way to get this such as being able to trade a platinum badge for it or something (but don't count on anything like that ever happening) but currently only worth hunting if you REALLY want that angel plating or a good HUnewearl claw. Or just for the glory of holding the rarest? weapon the game.
Shouren - CF1 cave, MA 4th stage 1a/b/c if CF1 is unavailable
Handgun: Guld - Fragments of a Memory/Lost Hell pallasch
Handgun: Milla - MA1 v2
Heaven Punisher - MAE:CCA/SU7/MAE:Forest/TE/MAE:GDV resets
Heaven Striker - MAE: Desert, POD/NMU3/NMU4/First 2 waves of first room of NMU4 when MAE: Desert is unavailable
Cannon Rouge - CF4, if not available then MAE: Crater, if not available then MA4c or 9-3 (although need teammates that can play 9-3 with you, it cannot be played in One-person mode.) If you only have red and can't get anyone to do 9-3 with you, use 荒野の果てに instead.
NUG2000-Bazooka - Just get some of these during your Yellow LSB lame runs or hunt Cannon Rouge instead. I don't otherwise recommend hunting this.
Clio - CF4, if not available then MAE: Crater, if not available then MA4c
Psycho Wand - Mostly whatever seabed quests are currently boosted, but can also do MA 4th stage 1a/b/c if during rare enemy week
Siren Glass Hammer - MAE: Episode 4
Prophets of Motav - MAE: Ruins or PS2 or just buy it as it's rarer than it is valuable
Guardianna - NMU3
Kunai - MA4b or CF4
Frozen Shooter - MAE: Forest or TE
Spread Needle - Fragments of a Memory
Diska of Braveman - This is a very valuable weapon for how common it is that I feel should be hunted far more and there are many good places to go for it. White TE can get this along with Handgun: Milla and Frozen Shooter. Pink PW2 also drops some of these. Any red desert quest also drops some of these which you'll likely do for Heaven Striker anyway. But if you just want the fastest way to get these, that is White CCC or the start of MA2 -2A-
Vjaya - Another weapon very valuable for how common it is and has one of the fastest hunts in the game. Blue very hard CCC drops these like candy. Can also do blue very hard CCC runs and claim you're helping others level up in the process.
M&A 60 Vise - You should get a lot of these just from your normal hunts, but if you just want to hunt them, try hard TE forest. With a great 1/45.7 drop rate from Hildebears you should average over 1 per run without even any boosts. Even more during dar or rdr week. And given it's only on hard they should go super fast but it really sucks at giving like anything else of value so not really recommended except maybe if you're also unsealing or helping others level up in the process or something.

All nonrare weapons (Calibur, Diska, Gungnir, Raygun, Vulcans, Arms, etc.) - EN4 on A10. Use a FOnewm with max power RAzonde and clear the claws of the first 2 rooms. High chance of lots of weapons and PDs and only takes 9 Razondes per wave. For extra value at high enough levels you can also unseal limiters while doing this. The claws don't move any faster than on vanilla ultimate so it's pretty easy, too. Just very tedious. But still, anguish gives the biggest boost to nonerare weapons of any drops since it boosts all 3 of the dar %, the untekked weapon chance, and the chances of finding your ID-specific weapon so it's like a boost cubed for finding these so you'll have a much higher chance of finding these on A10 than on vanilla ultimate. On A10 even ruins 1 will be all the best pattern weapons so you don't have to worry about being in ruins 2 or 3 if you're using A2 or higher.

Alright I'd say that covers most of the good stuff worth going for. Probably left out something but I can edit it in later, tired of making this for now lol.
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Thanks a lot for this. As someone new to the server and who, despite many hours, never did much more focused farming than "run the area it drops in" this is an extremely helpful resource.
Added more heaven striker options after realizing the 4 pyros at the start of NMU4 are actually quite good.

If NMU4 has 4 pyros you can beat in 45 seconds vs 40 in the whole quest then I come up with this:

Whole quest version with 4 people and max RBR boost:
40*1.5*1.25/11 = 6.81~~ pyros worth of value per minute, but

Reset version with just 1 person RBR boost:
4*1.4*1.15/0.75 = 11.448~ pyros worth of value per minute.

So actually the reset version is significantly faster for getting HSs. Although it's so boring and tedious most would probably prefer to go as a group anyways. The 11 minutes includes time of waiting for people to join and to complete the quest and is the average of my recent runs of doing it in times when lots of people are joining so they join really fast on average. Faster is definitely possible and my best run was a little under 10 minutes. But even at that speed the reset is faster. But overall it seems to me that this quest is highly underrated and is as good if not slightly better than NMU3 at Pyros as its gets them at almost the same rate but gives pattern 443 weapons instead of 433 which nearly doubles the chances of getting nonrare weapons with really high hit or other attributes.

Edit: now with video showing how to do it:
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Rawr even better 46-second A2 with a bunch of optimizations which you probably wouldn't even think such a thing was possible from the first video, but I did it. Better value per minute on A2. Haven't found an efficient way to do A3 yet. Sure you can do the same thing but it takes too many attacks to be worth it. A2 seems to be the best for this.
Alright new calculations. Unfortunately as anguish is much harder than it used to be, I've done a massive recalculation based on playing all the quests on vanilla ultimate (except stuff like RT A10 resets, A2 NMU4 resets, and a few others still worth doing). Here are my new top 10, limited to 1 ID per quest to get some good variety on here.

10. Lost Soul Blade on Yellowboze. That's right, losing A1 hurts this a lot as the nonrare weapons are pretty trash now and you get a lot fewer PDs. But I've also lowered the average value of the lames from this by a lot since they are so likely to have machine here. That being said, it's still one of the fastest sources of lames in the game so it's still worthy of being on the list but it's not some overpowered quest like I likely previously stated.

9. WoL2 Oran resets. These kinda suck but you can get the first 8 Satellite Lizards in under a minute for very, very fast Slicers of Fanatic which are both quite useful and good for selling/trading fodder even if you don't really want them. Done best with a FOnewm with max power Rafoies on either A1 to kill lizards in 4 hits and bootas in 5 without a weapon so you cast faster, or A2 with a Pwand and still the same number of hits, but you cast slower and it's a lot easier to get hit this way. Either way is good, you don't need to buy a 2nd Pwand just for your character spamming this. But still overall I'd recommend saving your SoF runs for either something I'll get to later on this list or for when WoL2 is on RBR.

8. RT Pink A10 First room resets. That's right, the very fast PDs, RM chances, and Vivienne chances really add up quickly as you'll get one RM/Vivienne about every 2 hours and likely have a decent amount of PDs to show for them as well. That being said, there is still a better way to hunt these weapons so I don't really recommend this, either.

7. PoD Purple. Defeat the boss for a heaven striker chance but also even just getting some other goodies like Vise, V801, Yasminkov 9000M, Dragon Scale, and Ophelie Seize are adding to the value here. A good hunt but only recommended by me during rare enemy week.

6. Phantasmal World 2 Pink. A great source of both lames and DoBs, and overall just great value as even weapons like Tyrell's Parasol and Madam's Umbrella can be quite good if they come with high enough hit. This rank isn't even counting the value of the lucky coins and it still manages a spot this high. And yet, there are better ways to hunt both DoBs and lames as we'll see better so this is still not really the optimal quest tbh but still a good one worth playing whenever you want something different. Best during dar or rdr weeks.

5. Cal's Clock Challenge (Temple Only) Pink. Here we go, the real best source of Rambling May/Vivienne around that gives them and lots of PDs at a very good rate. Best on either RDR or rare enemy weeks. And yes there is strong competition for best Rambling May/Vivienne hunt in the form of the Hollowed Battlefield: Temple or MAE: Temple, but neither of those is that big of an upgrade over CCC and there are bigger advantages to make use of with either cookies or your anniversary event time.

4. NMU4 resets or NMU4 (full) or NMU3 (until 3rd warp) Redria or Greenill. Okay you probably figured this had to be on the list as the Pyros give a very good chance of getting Heaven Strikers which is an extremely valuable weapon. Lumping these together as they all basically do the same thing. A fantastic HS hunt to do during dar or rdr weeks.

3. MA4c (full) Greenill - What? This is this high? Well I've ran the numbers, and yes it is. You get to kill a ton of enemies here with chances of many things that really add up. Cannon Rouge, V101, Heaven Striker, Galatine, and yes even Centurion/Ability has decent value all add up to a fantastic combination of good stuff you can get. And it gives tickets to bout. Note: Also good on some other IDs but I've come up with Green being the overall best here.

2. MAE Episode 4 Oran - Similar to number 2, this is a great variety hunt that racks up even greater sums of value by having an even larger array of valuable items you can pick up, and without even taking longer, too. Boasting one of the very best ways to farm for Slicer of Fanatic, V801, Kunai, Ophelie Seize, Syncesta, Rupika, and Lame D'Argent, you just can't argue with the total value here, even if you're only really looking for 1 or 2 of these items. And it gives tickets to bout. Note: Can also play red for DoB/CR/HS and that'd still be one of the best on this list but Oran just barely edged it out.

1. Tyrell's Ego (Stopping right before Dragon) White - Now that people have gotten so good as to be able to nearly full-clear if not entirely full clear the forest in like 5 minutes with a decent party (assuming you're strong and split up and clear a lot of it yourself) this is now unrivaled value per minute other than seasonal quests, cookie quests, or certain quests on RBR. With very fast DoBs, Millas, and Frozen Shooters, in addition to just crazy amounts of PDs from tons of fast enemies coupled with the rappies having 100 dar so they actually drop more items than in most other areas of the game, it is simply the best quest now.

General note about what I recommend how: What we can't get from A1 quests in the 2nd half of episode by getting all pattern 4 weapons and a PD boost like we used to we can now farm optimally by just killing tons and tons of enemies quickly and still raking in very good stuff. It's not really harder to farm good stuff than it used to be when anguish were far more useful, but instead it has led to a lot of the harder enemies and weaker RBR quests just not being worth it, and instead it's better to just focus on quests like this almost all the time, especially rare enemy week. As in, the game is just a lot more repetitive than it used to be in that every rare enemy week it's only really worth doing TE, CCC, PoD, MAE: Ep4. Likely every other quest, even the RBR quests, are probably just not worth it. The RBR boost is way less than the old HBR boost could get up to so it can no longer make bad quests good, and only serves to make good quests better so all the bad quests are virtually unplayable now if you want to be efficient.
Can you help me understand how you calculate the expected value per run? Do you look for noteworthy drops and take the base prices from the Price Guide or do you even go more into detail by including Hit and DFP ranges into your calculations? Do you include expected amount of PDs from monsters and boxes and common weapon drops for good pattern areas?

I just want to have a basic understanding how you approach your calculations in what level of detail, because I'm interested to run these on my own :)

Thanks for the posts so far, they're awesome!
You make a good sheet with the top row
Can you help me understand how you calculate the expected value per run? Do you look for noteworthy drops and take the base prices from the Price Guide or do you even go more into detail by including Hit and DFP ranges into your calculations? Do you include expected amount of PDs from monsters and boxes and common weapon drops for good pattern areas?

I just want to have a basic understanding how you approach your calculations in what level of detail, because I'm interested to run these on my own :)

Thanks for the posts so far, they're awesome!
You make a google sheet with the top row being the hit % (0 15, 20, ..., 100) and then one row of
and then the other rows below it being the values for each weapon with each of the different hit amounts. Then you make a column to the right of that using something like =SUMPRODUCT($B$2:$T$2, B2:T2) and it should give you the expected value of the weapon. You multiply the value of the weapon by the number of enemies that can drop it on the quest and by their chances of dropping it.

I also just realized you can't get galatine in ma4c, no boss lol big oops in my previous post and it needs an adjustment lol but ma4c should still be somewhere on the list and with some id.
You make a good sheet with the top row

You make a google sheet with the top row being the hit % (0 15, 20, ..., 100) and then one row of
and then the other rows below it being the values for each weapon with each of the different hit amounts. Then you make a column to the right of that using something like =SUMPRODUCT($B$2:$T$2, B2:T2) and it should give you the expected value of the weapon. You multiply the value of the weapon by the number of enemies that can drop it on the quest and by their chances of dropping it.

I also just realized you can't get galatine in ma4c, no boss lol big oops in my previous post and it needs an adjustment lol but ma4c should still be somewhere on the list and with some id.
Thanks for your explanation :)
So you keep it to rare drops mostly? What about pds?
I mean theoretically there's a whole bunch of items you could include (materials, common weapons, techs) but that would make the calculations very tedious.
Thanks for your explanation :)
So you keep it to rare drops mostly? What about pds?
I mean theoretically there's a whole bunch of items you could include (materials, common weapons, techs) but that would make the calculations very tedious.
PDs are just a fraction of the enemies multiplied by their dar values and materials I considered to be worth little enough to not bother including. Honestly the time it takes to go pick up materials costs about as much as they're worth once you're rich and strong enough anyway that I don't think they're worth bothering with. Common weapon are included but only if they have high enough weapon patterns to matter and based on the dar of the enemies that drop the weapon type items.
the game is just a lot more repetitive than it used to be in that every rare enemy week it's only really worth doing TE, CCC, PoD, MAE: Ep4. Likely every other quest, even the RBR quests, are probably just not worth it. The RBR boost is way less than the old HBR boost could get up to so it can no longer make bad quests good, and only serves to make good quests better so all the bad quests are virtually unplayable now if you want to be efficient.
Alright new calculations. Unfortunately as anguish is much harder than it used to be, I've done a massive recalculation based on playing all the quests on vanilla ultimate (except stuff like RT A10 resets, A2 NMU4 resets, and a few others still worth doing). Here are my new top 10, limited to 1 ID per quest to get some good variety on here.

10. Lost Soul Blade on Yellowboze. That's right, losing A1 hurts this a lot as the nonrare weapons are pretty trash now and you get a lot fewer PDs. But I've also lowered the average value of the lames from this by a lot since they are so likely to have machine here. That being said, it's still one of the fastest sources of lames in the game so it's still worthy of being on the list but it's not some overpowered quest like I likely previously stated.

9. WoL2 Oran resets. These kinda suck but you can get the first 8 Satellite Lizards in under a minute for very, very fast Slicers of Fanatic which are both quite useful and good for selling/trading fodder even if you don't really want them. Done best with a FOnewm with max power Rafoies on either A1 to kill lizards in 4 hits and bootas in 5 without a weapon so you cast faster, or A2 with a Pwand and still the same number of hits, but you cast slower and it's a lot easier to get hit this way. Either way is good, you don't need to buy a 2nd Pwand just for your character spamming this. But still overall I'd recommend saving your SoF runs for either something I'll get to later on this list or for when WoL2 is on RBR.

8. RT Pink A10 First room resets. That's right, the very fast PDs, RM chances, and Vivienne chances really add up quickly as you'll get one RM/Vivienne about every 2 hours and likely have a decent amount of PDs to show for them as well. That being said, there is still a better way to hunt these weapons so I don't really recommend this, either.

7. PoD Purple. Defeat the boss for a heaven striker chance but also even just getting some other goodies like Vise, V801, Yasminkov 9000M, Dragon Scale, and Ophelie Seize are adding to the value here. A good hunt but only recommended by me during rare enemy week.

6. Phantasmal World 2 Pink. A great source of both lames and DoBs, and overall just great value as even weapons like Tyrell's Parasol and Madam's Umbrella can be quite good if they come with high enough hit. This rank isn't even counting the value of the lucky coins and it still manages a spot this high. And yet, there are better ways to hunt both DoBs and lames as we'll see better so this is still not really the optimal quest tbh but still a good one worth playing whenever you want something different. Best during dar or rdr weeks.

5. Cal's Clock Challenge (Temple Only) Pink. Here we go, the real best source of Rambling May/Vivienne around that gives them and lots of PDs at a very good rate. Best on either RDR or rare enemy weeks. And yes there is strong competition for best Rambling May/Vivienne hunt in the form of the Hollowed Battlefield: Temple or MAE: Temple, but neither of those is that big of an upgrade over CCC and there are bigger advantages to make use of with either cookies or your anniversary event time.

4. NMU4 resets or NMU4 (full) or NMU3 (until 3rd warp) Redria or Greenill. Okay you probably figured this had to be on the list as the Pyros give a very good chance of getting Heaven Strikers which is an extremely valuable weapon. Lumping these together as they all basically do the same thing. A fantastic HS hunt to do during dar or rdr weeks.

3. MA4c (full) Greenill - What? This is this high? Well I've ran the numbers, and yes it is. You get to kill a ton of enemies here with chances of many things that really add up. Cannon Rouge, V101, Heaven Striker, Galatine, and yes even Centurion/Ability has decent value all add up to a fantastic combination of good stuff you can get. And it gives tickets to bout. Note: Also good on some other IDs but I've come up with Green being the overall best here.

2. MAE Episode 4 Oran - Similar to number 2, this is a great variety hunt that racks up even greater sums of value by having an even larger array of valuable items you can pick up, and without even taking longer, too. Boasting one of the very best ways to farm for Slicer of Fanatic, V801, Kunai, Ophelie Seize, Syncesta, Rupika, and Lame D'Argent, you just can't argue with the total value here, even if you're only really looking for 1 or 2 of these items. And it gives tickets to bout. Note: Can also play red for DoB/CR/HS and that'd still be one of the best on this list but Oran just barely edged it out.

1. Tyrell's Ego (Stopping right before Dragon) White - Now that people have gotten so good as to be able to nearly full-clear if not entirely full clear the forest in like 5 minutes with a decent party (assuming you're strong and split up and clear a lot of it yourself) this is now unrivaled value per minute other than seasonal quests, cookie quests, or certain quests on RBR. With very fast DoBs, Millas, and Frozen Shooters, in addition to just crazy amounts of PDs from tons of fast enemies coupled with the rappies having 100 dar so they actually drop more items than in most other areas of the game, it is simply the best quest now.

General note about what I recommend how: What we can't get from A1 quests in the 2nd half of episode by getting all pattern 4 weapons and a PD boost like we used to we can now farm optimally by just killing tons and tons of enemies quickly and still raking in very good stuff. It's not really harder to farm good stuff than it used to be when anguish were far more useful, but instead it has led to a lot of the harder enemies and weaker RBR quests just not being worth it, and instead it's better to just focus on quests like this almost all the time, especially rare enemy week. As in, the game is just a lot more repetitive than it used to be in that every rare enemy week it's only really worth doing TE, CCC, PoD, MAE: Ep4. Likely every other quest, even the RBR quests, are probably just not worth it. The RBR boost is way less than the old HBR boost could get up to so it can no longer make bad quests good, and only serves to make good quests better so all the bad quests are virtually unplayable now if you want to be efficient.
unfortunately, i am new and have a skyly character, can you recommend a quest i can run with good efficiency?
unfortunately, i am new and have a skyly character, can you recommend a quest i can run with good efficiency?
Try MAE: Episode 4, Skyly/Red/Green are all very good for it and even if you just do the crater you're still getting good value there. Skyly in general is great for any crater quest or quest with Gi Gues.
unfortunately, i am new and have a skyly character, can you recommend a quest i can run with good efficiency?
Solo hunts:
Pw4 resets for the Gie Gue, fastest SJS hunt
MAE: GDV resets up to the 3 spiegell for a good Heavens Punisher hunt

MAE: GDV, reset after CCA, HP+SJS, good value
Well it seems the whole first room of RT on A10 has been nerfed. That being said, don't worry, I have good news! If you just follow the route of maximum attack 2 ver 2 as seen here: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/images/thumb/3/33/Ma2v2_lily_route.png/737px-Ma2v2_lily_route.png you can get 35 lilies every 4:20, including time outside of the quest to remake it. Which is more lilies per minute anyways, even counting the anguish bonus you can get on the RT thing so it's just a better RM farm. And it could be done even more efficiently with a team as a lot of the rooms just have to be entered to get the lilies to spawn and rarely need to be fought since you likely only care for the Mil Lilies.
Alright new list, of my top 5 underrated quests. Everyone already knows about a lot of the best quests, but there are still some very good ones I don't see anyone running very much. Here are my picks:

5. Sweep up 9 - This is honestly the best Ill Gill quest for getting items like V502 or Nei's Claw, and I rarely see it run. Quests like PW4 seem far more common despite just being fewer Ill Gills per minute.

4. Random Attack Xrd Stage - An ep1 quest with tons of enemies on some routes which can get you pretty insane value. Biggest drawback is it's randomness so not great at getting any 1 specific item.

3. CCC Temple only - A very fast run on pink for Aura Field, Rambling May, and Vivienne. Gives good experience, PDs, materials, etc., too. And a very fun little quest of killing tons of enemies super fast. Can also play White for DoBs and Rambling Mays.

2. Endless episode 1 - If you can avoid getting very many penalties this can fight dark falz for a Red Ring chance. But it's good for all bosses in general so you can play on green to also get Holy Ray from De Rol Le and Spread Needles from La Dimenions at a pretty good rate for each. There are several other IDs than can give some good things as well but I recommend green as the good things it does give are all from enemies that have good counts and drop chances so you'll have a more decent chance of getting something good. Only drawbacks are a bad party will fail to make it to dark falz too much of the time and that rare enemies are disabled.

1. Maximum attack 4th stage 1C - Great for beating up lilies for pwand but that's well known. The reason I'm putting it on this list is it's a way to farm way more enemies and still kill Dark Falz as a red ring hunt and honestly I prefer this over doing quests like TTF. TTF is only about 1/3 of PD of value per falz killed as Red Rings are only about 1/3 of the value of the drop chance. This can give a bunch of other stuff along the way that makes it far more value per minute and still gets Red Rings.