Mag (Bhirava) not receiving 3rd PB.


Leveled my mag up like so; pow till 10>dex till 35>dex till 50, got bhirava at 50 on a redria ranger, got no third PB. Unless I'm missing something...I'm pretty sure this is a bug or just a missing instruction altogether.


Dont blame me for the small size, its your forums limit xD
Bhirava gets Pilla. Guess what PB you already have?
Yep...just noticed it's not the same chart. Would feeding it on another ID set change it to kaitabha since I didn't let it save?
It evolves every 5 levels (or should do), so changing it to another mag will give it another PB.
o rite. It also finalizes at 100 iirc right? Or was that only 4th evo/cells? Been a while since I dedicated to making mags.
Never finalizes as long as it can evolve into something that will give it a new PB (so if you cell the mag now, or make it a 4th Evolution without getting it a PB first, it'll be stuck at 2 PBs forever).