

The kitsune (fox) recurs throughout stories in Japanese history, usually appearing as an intelligent and/or cunning being with paranormal abilities and often residing at Pioneer 2 and Shinto shrines.
Team Kitsune has grown exponentially over the past few months, friends and fellow players have joined our ranks. As we draw closer to capacity, it’s better that we start to recruit more serious members those players who are already experienced and established, who simply enjoy playing PSO regularly. Our friendly group loves to party up when everyone's schedules align, without any pressure or expectations. We prioritize helping out other members by providing advice and support. We take pride in our team discord which is already well developed and a great place to connect.

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Level 100+
Donate team points monthly.

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❖ Flag ❖
❖ Changing Room ❖
❖ Team Quest: Point Of Disaster ❖

❖ Team Quest: The Robots’ Reckoning
❖ Team Events with Prizes ❖

From whichever timezone, you’re welcome to join us.

Apply to Kitsune
Track your Application on our Discord.
Join Kitsune Discord

Please leave a like / comment here too.


Android X
Tera Melos

Capacity 68/100
Headquarters: Fodra 1, Lobby 07

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Love this team. I'm a returning player and was shocked at how much the community is thriving. I met an awesome person named Aoae in game. She made this team with the intent to bring players together, have a great time, and help each other out. That's what the game's about for me. So don't be shy to join. We look forward to playing with you!
Discord Serenade#8445
So I just starting playing this game a few weeks ago and joining this team has been a blessing. A great group of people here and we are rapidly growing for just starting a new team. Everyone has been so chill and a pleasure to party up with.. the vibe is just what I was looking for I hope we can get more members who share the same energy!
I recently got back into PSO in early March, and ended up playing a fair amount with a player named Sarphor. Around the same time, I saw this thread and thought it sounded like a good match for me. Turns out, Sarphor had recently joined this team as well! Glad I came across this post and gave it a shot.

For anyone new to Ephinea, this team's been welcoming and a blast to play with!
Yo! Yet another returning player here. Played it day 1 on my Dreamcast until GameCube got a port of it. Lotsa crazy memories from awesome adventures, crazy relationships and just silliness all around.

It's good to be back, that is essentially what it boils down to in the grand scheme of things. Hoping to meet several like-minded people who know a thing or two about respect and kindness, here's hoping all of you have great interactions and unforgettable adventures with everyone.

Thank you!
In early February, I finally figured out how to get this awesome, nostalgic game installed onto my steam deck and it's just been positive experiences since then. I was originally in another team but because I failed to get to know anyone in it within several weeks, I left and joined Kitsune where I already had multiple friends. I've been impressed by the well-administered Discord which really helps organize things, and the friendliness and enthusiasm of the team has also been great. If you're considering joining, definitely hop on our Discord (link in main post) and check us out.
I also joined the team as well, as an old returning player that just recently came back. I haven't played with them much yet as I generally take a bit to time to really get used to people, usually how I am with a lot of guilds in games but will prob play with people a lot over this weekend as I should have free time. And if anyone did need help, they could ask me and if I can then I usually will.
I also joined the team as well, as an old returning player that just recently came back. I haven't played with them much yet as I generally take a bit to time to really get used to people, usually how I am with a lot of guilds in games but will prob play with people a lot over this weekend as I should have free time. And if anyone did need help, they could ask me and if I can then I usually will.
Mew likes this Nephies already~! =3
Hiyoo cool team! Wondering where I sign up :D I'm based in PST, would love to party up and/or get involved in any shenanigans. Not as much time on weekdays but pso is def my main game when do have free time :)

This weekend we celebrated the Easter season by holding an Easter Egg Hunt, the first big event for Kitsune. Up to 42 eggs were up for grabs and meseta drops too, all of our leaders helped pitch in and the event was a great success!


Thank you everyone for helping to make this happen, we all had a lot of fun


Looking forward to future events we can enjoy together with the team ✨

I'd be very interested in joining you all if you're still recruiting. Kinda been rockin it solo for the most part, but now that I've hit Ultimate content (level 128) it would be pretty nice to meet some new people that I can do content with :D