JP's shop (currently inactive)


Spread Needle[ 00 / 00 / 15 / 00 | 00 ]1

Updated Jan 2: this shop is temporarily closed

Accept PDs, PS at 98:1 if you are a big spender.

Prefer discord DM (jp_#5288), but posting in topic/DM on forum is also ok.


WEAPONS [name / stats/ PD cost]

HELL NEEDLE +70 [0/0/0/0 | 0] 75 (has hell special applied)
Cannon Rogue [0/45/0/20 | 0] 8
Heaven Striker [0/0/30/20 | 0] 5
TypeME/Mechgun [0/0/0/0 | 40] (Charge) 13
Spread Needle + 40 [0/0/15/0 | 0] 1
Spread Needle [35/0/0/15 | 0] 1
Frozen Shooter [0/15/0/15 | 0] 1
Holy Ray [0/0/0/25 | 0] 1
TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0 | 35] (Charge) 1

Clio [45/0/20/15 | 0] 15

Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/0 | 25] 8
Slicer of Fanatic [0/15/0/20 | 25] 8
Diska of Braveman [0/0/15/30 | 35] 5
Diska of Braveman 30h 2, 25h 1

Dark Flow [0/50/50/0 | 50] 60
RL Calibur [0/0/50/50 | 50] 18
RL Calibur [0/50/50/0 | 50] 16

TypeSW/J-Sword [0/0/0/0 | 30] (Spirit) 5
Orotiagito [0/0/0/0 | 0] 5
Monkey King Bar [0/25/35/0 | 15] 3
Monkey King Bar [0/0/50/35 | 0] 1
Monkey King Bar [0/0/40/30 | 0] 0.5
Heart of Poumn [0/0/20/35 | 0] 0.5
Sange [15/0/15/0 | 0] 0.5
Rika's Claw [0/0/0/25 | 25] 1
Guren [0/0/0/0 | 0] 1
Shouren [0/0/15/0 | 0] 1
Yunchang [0/0/0/0 | 0] 1
Laconium Axe [0/0/25/15 | 30] 1
Vjaya [10/0/0/0 | 35] 1

Striker of Chao [0/0/0/0 | 0] 1
Glide Divine [0/0/0/0 | 0] 1
Summit Moon [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Red Saber [15/0/20/0 | 20] 3

Charge Arms [0/0/0/0 | 55] 5
Charge Vulcan [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Charge Raygun [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Charge Arms [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Charge Diska [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Charge Laser [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1

Beserk Arms [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Beserk Vulcan [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Beserk Raygun [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1

Hell Raygun [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Hell Laser [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1

Spirit Arms [0/0/0/0 | 55] 2
Spirit Vulcan [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Spirit Laser [0/0/0/0 | 55] 0.5

Demon's Raygun [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1
Demon's Laser [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1

Arrest Raygun [0/0/0/0 | 50] 1


Red Barrier [1/5 3/5] 5
Blue Barrier 1
Three Seals 2

From the Depths [0/0 | 0/0] 23

Ranger Wall 2

Kasami Bracer [30/50 | 13/15] 2
Stink Frame [65/85 | 76/85] [0S] 2
DF Field [31/50 15/20] [2S] 1
Lieutenant Mantle [20/21 10/18] [0S] 1
Electro Frame [14/50 7/20] [0S] 1
Secret Gear [7/10 | 0/10] 1
Electro Frame [30/50 | 1/20] [1S] 1
Spirit Garment [4/7 4/5] [0S] 1
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 0.5

4 Slots
Luminous Field [40/50 8/20] [4S] 4
DF Field [6/50 | 14/20] [4S] 3
Thirteen [5/8 1/8] [4S] 3


Adept 38
Limiter 32 (8709/20000 kills)

v502 30
v101 25

v801 10 RES

H/Arms 4
H/Battle 2
H/Power 2
H/Mind 0.5

Swordsmans' Lore 19 (4444/20000 Kill)s
Smartlink 2

Yasakani Magatama 0.5

Cure/Freeze 1
Cure/Paralysis 0.5

30 support [Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure/Resta] 0.5 each or 2pd for all 5
29 offensive non-megid, non-grants, 0.25 each (probably have them all)
Megid 29 5pd
Anti 7 0.25pd

Other Stuff
D-Photon Core 22
Item Ticket 2
Photon Crystals 1:1, or 10 crystals for 9PD (don't have a lot atm)
AddSlot: 0.5 (have 8 available)
Amplifier of Rafoie 1
Amplifier of Red 0.5
Ampllifier of Gizonde 0.5

Tablet 2
Heart of Angel 1
Purple Paint 0.5
White Paint 0.5
Part of Barnaz 0.5
S-red's arms 0.5

Kit of Mark III 0.5
Kit of Master System 0.5
Kit of Sega Saturn 0.5
Panther's Spirit 0.5
Bringer's Right Arm 0.5
Heart of YN-0117 0.5

Luck 3:1 (50 for 14pd, 99 for 20pd)
Mind Stack: 6pd
HP Stack: 6pd
Power Stack: 7pd
TP: 5:1

99 Trigrinders: 2pd
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I'll take -
Adept 38
v502 30

Time to go broke! I'll message you on discord =D
TypeSW/J-Sword [0/0/0/0 | 30] (Spirit) 5
Stink Frame [65/85 | 76/85] [0S] 2

pmed on discord

:edit thanks for trade!
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