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It all started witn a Parasitic Gene Flow!
(Story of a friendships)
Heathcliff Flowen pupil is Rico Tyrell!!!
But in my case my pupil is Yume
All my life I played PSO stuck in a damn GameCube for more than 10 yrs! Having a %0 chance rate on PGF and RR. Searching in google how to make the drop happen on GameCube... but it was just a impossible dream. This happen to be my first server ever to play with and made great friends. (That includes all of y’all) and never in my living days I thought i was going to play online with people. I was excited about Ephinea! as the days when on I met koko and moka who treated me well and granted me something I was searching my entire life a (PGF) and for free you may say “that’s only worth 20 pds my dude.” Yes...but it meant everything to me. Later on I made a cheap dark flow 50/0/0/50/50 without knowing the essentials one had to be a calibur 75 hit or More. Still My cheap Calibur has sentimental value cuz it was given my by friends Koko and Moka. That being said I turn down a offered of buying by Soccra who I let him have the sword for exchange of an item he had that I wanted but didn’t have the pds at the time so I put my DF as (credit). Soccra demanded a same stats (DF) and when I fount it... as stupid as it sounds even tho it had the same stats I told Soccra to trade (DF) koko and moka gave me again because that DF means a lot to me. And so we did and got my DF back... now to the point of the story let me introduce to you my dear friend Yume :3 who for some strange reason Always wanted to play by my side. It reminded me of how I always follow koko and moka everywhere. lol So I welcome her to every quest I when to. One day she mention she never owned a DF nor a TJS in her life. So my friendly ass as some of y’all may know. let her borrow both swords.

“Nah...you can keep them from now until I grow my Ramar (Jafet777) to Lv. 200!” She was shocked and happy I believe. Unlucky my dear Yume didn’t use my weapons much becuase she didn’t log in for 3 week. Many of you would think why would you trust a (TJS) lol well I am Jafet after all. :3 Coincidently I think NOT when I grew my LV. 200 with Jafet777. Yume logs in and tell me that it’s willing to return my weapons back and apologize for not being active. So we make a game and I start using my Hucast (T-1000) and I politely asked Yume for my TJS she gracefully return it and proceeds to give me my DF back! I told her to keep it for now. And told her Yume brb I am switching to get my Red Ring from my Jafet777 (Ramar) I come back enter the room but didn’t want to deposit the Red Ring on Share Bank. Wanted to save time and processed to give it to Yume and told her “I’ll brb with my hucast.” When I come back the room was filled with player so she proposed to use the trade windows for safer process. She added the Red Ring that was mine and hit me with a 40 HIT LAME!
asked “Was this?”
She replied “Just keep it for now.”
I when on with...
“ I am gonna unseal it for you.” :3
She hit me with a...
“You can have it!!!!!”

“It’s sitting in the bank anyways I don’t use it. And it would mean a lot to me if you use it on which ever of your character.”
(We both know the magnitude of this 40 HIT LAME)

I had I thought...
((I never thought I was going to do this))

“Jafet that piece of junk is only worth 30 pds”
compared to that lame 40 HIT LAME!
So I told Yume “have my Dark Flow that it means so much to me.”
She then replied with a beautiful response. “This DF is worth 400 pds coming from you.”
I thought in my head (well if it has the same value to someone as it did to me? then... I don’t feel bad giving it away. It all started as a free PGF.)
So we both logged off... but the way I am I knew it wasn’t enough 30 pds over something worth a butch of pds I didn’t deserve this and I didn’t ask for this. Even tho it was a act of kindness of friends.question is How many of you would of return the favor? or how many of you would of accepted the Gift and say thank you and that’s it? I thought about it and say this ain’t enough. So I started collect pds and started selling stuff like all the V502 and some other equipment of all my character. Just to complete the amount to get a present for Yume. In 3 days I was able to collect all pds required. Present day

Present day I gave the option to yume yo pick the item of her choice 15 beast or 20 machine present send it to her as trade becuase item reader tell you what behind a present. Told her if she wanted to see the item as item reader or right way open it. Just Incase yume wanted to see her present wrapped as well. at the end of the day yume was happy with the present and so I was. We both aware that 40 hit is more amazing but it’s the thought of giving back that counts. My perspective is that anyone that runs in my team won’t walk with me empty handed. Specially with that type of kindness of a free gift from friend to friend.