Is there a way to silence Shifta/Deband with mods?

You will have to replace the sound files by yourself, with a silent sound for example or any sound of your choice.

I think the files you are looking for are in Ephinea/Data/Sound/common.pac.

You would have to open the file with PAC manager, replace the sounds and then save the new modified .pac.
Tofuman made a tutorial on how to mod pac files here:

PAC files
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I'm not sure if anyone will find this useful/convenient but I ended up turning the sounds of Shifta + Deband casting and pulse sounds way down. In case someone doesn't feel like editing the common.pac file then I thought I'd share mine with those sounds lowered:

As well, if you prefer to do it yourself but don't want to scrub through the sounds finding them, here are the wav files I used:
