I'm not new but i forgot my password....again ._.


life stuffs got in the way blah blah. I played in the good ol cube days and on here for a few months, but i never really played with others just kinda raised mags i didnt use heh. I'm not really into serious play more so looking to meet some chill people that'll help me out maybe invite me to a team :3 (bruh real talk, maybe teach me challenge mode it looks fun)
life stuffs got in the way blah blah. I played in the good ol cube days and on here for a few months, but i never really played with others just kinda raised mags i didnt use heh. I'm not really into serious play more so looking to meet some chill people that'll help me out maybe invite me to a team :3 (bruh real talk, maybe teach me challenge mode it looks fun)
Plenty of Chill, laxed, and Casual players here dear! Finding a quality team shouldnt be too hard to find either! May Mew suggest 'Team Monolith'? <3! Another Old Guard Cuber returns to the fight! Welcome Home! =3!
Would you be able to accept me into Monolith? I need me a squad flying solo is lame : p
Worse case scenario, Mew'd be purrfectly happy to help you grind a few exp til you're 'absorbed' into your new home! *Resisted using her 'Assimewlated' coin phrase!* Just need to stalk and find u >=3.