Hucast Master Race

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Darth Butt

Hucasts should have their own lobby so that they dont need to mingle with the lesser people outside of buffs and debuffs.

There is a natural order to things, and to ignore the Hucast's rightful place is just Polyannaesque foolishness.
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Just bring back SD Lv. 81 as the meta and RAcast would run HUcast's face into the dirt. Scrubs gotta be picking weaker settings to win :p

(To be slightly more serious: The meta is defined as the most powerful means available, so SD Lv. 81 IS the meta. It's just ignored because if using DF and being a jerk about Resta was no longer "optimal," a number of players on this server would lose the motivation to play.)
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Just bring back SD Lv. 81 as the meta and RAcast would run HUcast's face into the dirt. Scrubs gotta be picking weaker settings to win :p

(To be slightly more serious: The meta is defined as the most powerful means available, so SD Lv. 81 IS the meta. It's just ignored because if using DF and being a jerk about Resta was no longer "optimal," a number of players on this server would lose the motivation to play.)
Are you high?
So who are Humar, Hunewearl, Hucaseal, Ramar, Ramarl, Racaseal, Fomar, Fomarl, Fonewn, and Fonewearl in this Batman setting?

Gonna say that Fonewearl is Batgirl, cause for whatever reason Batman is shown to sleep with her sometimes when certain people are crazy and write her like that (that awful Killing Joke movie and for whatever god awful reason even good stuff like TAS has it has canon as well) and she is useless beyond support after a certain point cause of the whole wheelchair in her future thing.

Also when it comes to Racast which Robin we talking about? Cause there are a few.

Principal Tyrell is Commissioner Gordon.
Just saying, Superman has better stories overall IMO.

I also like his villains more.

Bats can enjoy his better games and the fact that he has had better luck in getting his stuff adapted to the movies. To a certain extent anyway.
Are you high?

No, I'm not high. HUcast doesn't benefit much beyond SD 30 because DF already one shots everything. It's all about positioning.

Charge Arms and Baranz gain a lot more usefulness at SD Lv. 81 because you already don't have to waste time on positioning (not as much, anyway) and can just blow everything away.

I'm not sure why the TA Community has decided to arbitrarily set SD 30 as the limit for their TA thread because it's not the most powerful thing available in the game. It's thus not meta. Maybe they didn't want to spend time building PB every run just to fail the run in the first 2 minutes and have to do it again? (PSO is a sucky game for time attack and there's way better choices out there with better controls and reset mechanics.)

And yes, I do think a lot of DF users get a subconscious enjoyment at forcing the party to bend to their wishes with "no Resta" because people are dicks by nature. I hate having to buy a full set of mates every run because the FO can't heal. The amount of time you spend replacing meseta (PW3 box runs or having to spend PDs on meseta which could have been used on other things) negates the time gained from not using Resta if you're not concerned about each individual run being as fast as possible. (This also voids the idea of wasting time to build PB every run and all of time attack itself.)

It's like pouring all of your resources into the "big game" instead of just doing well overall. I'm a big picture kind of guy. I would throw a record setting run to go out of my way to pick up a PD because a PD is worth one PD. A record is worth zero PDs. Pride is dumb.
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don't assume, you will look silly. this statement applies to every single point you made in your post

All of the SD Lv. 81 records on Scht were 3x RAcast and a HUcast, or 3x RAcast and a FO, or 2x RAcast 1 HUcast and 1 FO, and this was when DF could combo. This isn't a new development.

Also: I'm pretty sure my PSO bank account (and equipment) is proof that playing the game resourcefully is better than just going balls to the wall every single run and blowing 10k Meseta on one weapon swing. How many PDs do you have to waste on Meseta? I spent 2200 PDs on Sphering equipment last year and I've generated 1200 additional PDs since then. I haven't had to purchase Meseta a single time.
Why are you trying to inform me of team composition for TA? I'm confused.
And 3RAcast 1 FO? God help us.
You might have a point with that one, but the team comps on Scht TA had a heavier weighting on RAct than HUct. My overall point stands.
How does your point stand when that's false? That was at the very start of somewhat proper TA.
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