

Hi everybody
I'm new to the server, not new to the game tough...
I already played on Dreamcast, and on schtserv years ago.

Which are the major differences I need to know?

Feels good to play PSO again.

Have a nice day and good luck with hunting :):cool:

Pretty much all of the major differences are listed here. There are some custom quests, changes to drop tables and mag feeding charts (honestly I couldn't tell you where, though), but that's about all I've noticed so far.
Hi everybody
I'm new to the server, not new to the game tough...
I already played on Dreamcast, and on schtserv years ago.

Which are the major differences I need to know?

Feels good to play PSO again.

Have a nice day and good luck with hunting :):cool:
*Pounces!* Hios BQ-san! An Old Guard Dreamcaster returns! Most if not All of us are SCHT refugees here too dear! So theres a good chance you'll prolly bump into an old battle buddy. One of the Biggest differences here compared to scht... this server isn't 'BROKEN' Dammit! XD! We're Vanilla 'With SPRINKLES!' Hope you enjoy your stay and hope to pounce and play wiff you soon! Welcoe Home! =3
Thank you all
Didn't know that this server is now home to all the people from scht.
Really looking forward to play with you guys :D
Yes, while Schthack was in its final deathrows, the majority of the players saw the writing on the wall and migrated Here! Even when Schthack came back online we REFUSED to return! We've Never been happier with the way things are run and managed! <3
You've made a good choice in coming to this server. Now to convince all the other people... Lol.