Hi, newbie here.


I look forward to playing with you all and learning about this game! I never owned a dreamcast (saturn guy) but I'm glad there's a way to experience this game now. I'm sure I'll have a hundred questions, so if you can spare the time and patience I'm glad to meet you!
I look forward to playing with you all and learning about this game! I never owned a dreamcast (saturn guy) but I'm glad there's a way to experience this game now. I'm sure I'll have a hundred questions, so if you can spare the time and patience I'm glad to meet you!
Looking forward to Pouncing and Playing wiff you too Rezzies! Players who've never started on Dreamcast are Loved and respected NO LESS here dear! Yes, there will prolly be a plethora of questions from you, from that little battle buddy floating over your shoulder....to what is the 'Best' weapon out there for your character and Where to find one! lol No Biggies! ASK AWAY! If you wanna Whet your appetite with some of the neat toys waiting for you.... visit pso-world.com and browse the eye candy that is PSO =3. Is Rezzonance your in game name? Would like to know who to look for >=3. Welcome to your New Home! =3