
I've been playing on Ephinea on and off for a couple years, and figured I should finally say hey and join the community. :)
Eeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines wiff a warm giggle~!* LOTS of ppl like yourself tend to often bounce back and forth between the latest and greatest 'other' games out there, It's understandable since PSO is over 23 years old, buuuuut you always seem to gravitate ....back, huh? =3! Welcome to our little World of Controlled Chaos 'community' , dear! <3!
Eeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines wiff a warm giggle~!* LOTS of ppl like yourself tend to often bounce back and forth between the latest and greatest 'other' games out there, It's understandable since PSO is over 23 years old, buuuuut you always seem to gravitate ....back, huh? =3! Welcome to our little World of Controlled Chaos 'community' , dear! <3!

Hey thanks!! We played a few nights ago when you were helping pull up some newbies. I was Piper but have since renamed myself.