Hello there !


Hey guys and girls!

I'm totally new on this server and even this game. (I've played it a while on xbox, but it's been a long, long time since that)
So I'm a total newb right now looking for some players to team up maybe =)
I've read some guides and will most likely play HUnewearl named Kutia.

I'm from germany, so i guess the EU server is recommended for me?

Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you ^__^
Hey guys and girls!

I'm totally new on this server and even this game. (I've played it a while on xbox, but it's been a long, long time since that)
So I'm a total newb right now looking for some players to team up maybe =)
I've read some guides and will most likely play HUnewearl named Kutia.

I'm from germany, so i guess the EU server is recommended for me?

Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you ^__^
*Puts Kutia-san at the top of her POUNCE on Sight list! =3* Wonderful to has you among us Panda-san! Quite a few other Old Guard xbox veterans are playing here too! EU servers arent quite as lively as the Fodra ships for some reason. So if the EU server ships seem too quiet...hop on over to the Fodra ship dear! =3. Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you!
Willkommen zuhause! =3
My best advice for you would be to go to the counter at the Lobby and press Enter. Select Organize Party > Create Party > Episode 1. For the Play Mode, choose One Person Mode (aka OPM or Solo Mode). This will allow you to access the game’s Side Story Quests, which are key to understanding the basic fundamentals of the game.

I agree with this. It'l help you shake off the rust.

Welcome aboard! Feel free to get on Fodra ships. Those tend to be more active, and you'll meet lot of people here to party up with.
Thank you all very much ! =) I'll give the story quests a try first, since i really have to learn everything from ground up and it seems HU class is a little more difficult to handle then I remember. o-o''

I'll get in touch with you after I decided which class i want to play. ^__^
Also thanks for the link to the guides and for the discord server !
Welcome to the server Panda,
im from Germany too and of course willing to help you get into the game. If you ever have a question don't hesitate to dm me here or at discord.
Looking forward to see you, hopefully you can enjoy the game and make it up all the way to ultimate, having a good time learning the basics, and about the story! ;-)
Kind regards yuffie, nya~
Welcome to the server Panda,
im from Germany too and of course willing to help you get into the game. If you ever have a question don't hesitate to dm me here or at discord.
Looking forward to see you, hopefully you can enjoy the game and make it up all the way to ultimate, having a good time learning the basics, and about the story! ;-)
Kind regards yuffie, nya~
Yuffiiiiiies! <3
You'll find the latency lower on the EU server. But on fodra it plays fine from the EU. Fodra has the most users so probably preferred for newbies. If you find yourself playing solo your best to play on a server with the lowest latency. You can use /ping to get your latency to the server.