Hello Everyone!


Hey today is my first day on the server and i played with a few people and so far everyone has been great. Ive been playing PSO since GC online and have loved it ever since. I also play on the Ultima server, but i wanted to try this server ive heard great things about it and i cant wait to experiment in sandbox mode. Cant wait to play some good pso again.
Hi Steve, welcome to ephinea
Hey today is my first day on the server and i played with a few people and so far everyone has been great. Ive been playing PSO since GC online and have loved it ever since. I also play on the Ultima server, but i wanted to try this server ive heard great things about it and i cant wait to experiment in sandbox mode. Cant wait to play some good pso again.
*Puts Steve-san on her POUNCE on SIGHT! list!* >=3