GC player hopping in!

So I downloaded Ephinea on a whim two days ago and ended up playing it A Lot just yesterday so it looks like I'm re-hooked.

Played local multiplayer on GC (didn't have a GC network adapter) so I'm pretty clueless on online etiquette and such for the game (if any even exists with shared drops? I dunno.) but after I'm finished romping around in solo for a while I'll probably start joining in MP on another character, and add a character name to this profile! Nice to meet all of ya.
Welcome to the server! Drops are individual. not much to speak for etiquette, besides common courtesy. Don’t be afraid to team up, everybody is welcoming and friendly :) very laid back on ephinea
Welcome to Ephinea!! If you ever want to be powerleveled let me know! Just say hi to any of my chars in my sig if you see me online. Enjoy your stay!
There was some etiquette to be had before due to certain game mechanics (dmc most notably), but as this server gradually made some strides into fixing a lot of that, so was there less of a need following the status quo.
Ephinea is a server where you can join whenever, wherever, and most of the time you can play in said teams in whatever way you want.

The biggest one I ought one to prepare for is Dark Flow and Resta as its a forced clashable playstyle to this day (the former wants to stay at low health for a certain weapon effect to be able to trigger, and the latter heals, so you can imagine how that can go). But even that one isn't usually a cause of huge concern, and communication goes a long way.

...So yeah. I'd say just play and enjoy the journey, err, after your solo journey that is ;). Did the same thing as you're doing when I started here, messin' in solo for a good bit. Its fun.