Game Keeps Crashing No Matter What Settings I Change


The game keeps crashing no water what I do. I've reinstalled the client, I've changed the Compatibility Settings to Windows 7 and reverted all settings to default. Can't enjoy this game without it crashing every 10 min :mad:.
Is there a particular thing you're doing where you see it is always crashes you, for instance every time you shoot a gun? Have you disabled DEP (explanation on how to in FAQs)?

And just to confirm, you are crashing and not just disconnecting from poor internet connection, correct?
Let me start with looking at the FAQ and do the recommendations on there but no not anything in particular. I am playing with my brother right now and all I am doing is swinging my Rod around and running. Then it seems to lag and the whole client closes. We are on Normal Difficulty on Mines, and it happened frequently in Caves. I know I've had high ping on my internet lately where it causes major lag when playing Marvel Rivals but its comes back down from 400 down to 50 every so often.
Alrighty! After changing the DEP Settings. I was able to play for about 3 hours before it crashed again!
So definitely improved it!
Glad I could help, I hope you enjoy your time here!