Game Crash on start


Your friendly neighborhood Magical Girl! <3
I recently reformatted my PC with a fresh Windows 10 install and have been having trouble getting the game to work. I've managed to get to the point where it will try to run, but it will immediately close before getting to any of the screens on both Direct X 8 and 9. The activity log shows the below info. I've tried looking at past troubleshooting for possible solutions, but nothing seems to be working at this point and I'm not sure what to do next.

Fault offset: 0x00007765
Faulting module path: \EphineaPSO\dinput8.dll
That's the addon plugin. Not sure why it would crash at startup, but probably a good idea to try reinstalling addons.

I know that setting the font size and oversampling in the Settings Editor to 'too high' values can sometimes cause a crash if the addon plugin runs out of memory when generating the font. To see if this is the problem, try going into EphineaPSO\addons\Settings Editor folder and renaming the options.lua file to something else to get the defaults.
That's the addon plugin. Not sure why it would crash at startup, but probably a good idea to try reinstalling addons.

I know that setting the font size and oversampling in the Settings Editor to 'too high' values can sometimes cause a crash if the addon plugin runs out of memory when generating the font. To see if this is the problem, try going into EphineaPSO\addons\Settings Editor folder and renaming the options.lua file to something else to get the defaults.
I tried that and also removing the addon stuff completely and event viewer is still giving the same offset and path. I don't even get the black screen now.
I tried that and also removing the addon stuff completely and event viewer is still giving the same offset and path. I don't even get the black screen now.
You removed dinput8.dll next to psobb.exe? That's the addon plugin.
You removed dinput8.dll next to psobb.exe? That's the addon plugin.
Oh, I think I was reading the old log. I did try uninstalling and I'm still not getting the game to run, but now event viewer is not flagging an error at all
I don't know. What else have you tried? Are you sure your resolution is valid? If not, try going to something low like Windowed 640x480 or Windowed 1024x768. Any of those work? If not, check the other options in the launcher and try putting them all to default values or off.

Still nothing? Check EphineaPSO/log and see if there's anything new in a dllerror.log or error.log file.
I don't know. What else have you tried? Are you sure your resolution is valid? If not, try going to something low like Windowed 640x480 or Windowed 1024x768. Any of those work? If not, check the other options in the launcher and try putting them all to default values or off.

Still nothing? Check EphineaPSO/log and see if there's anything new in a dllerror.log or error.log file.
I initially tried 1024x768 windowed. The only other option I have for windowed is 1366x768 which seemed to work, but now I'm locked into that res with no other options available in the launcher.
I initially tried 1024x768 windowed. The only other option I have for windowed is 1366x768 which seemed to work, but now I'm locked into that res with no other options available in the launcher.
I don't know what's wrong. I would keep trying options, making sure you lower/set things to default as you go. Are you sure there's nothing in event viewer or those log files for the failed starts?
This is what's coming up on the failed starts in the error log:

Error : Can't find DisplayMode
Error : Can't use format [D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8]
Did you install drivers for your graphics card? If you did, not sure what's wrong. It seems like the game isn't able to set resolution and color depth correctly. Maybe the way the launcher is enumerating the list of resolutions is done differently than the game.

You could also try 16bit colors in the launcher's Options > More page, but I don't know if that will work.
Did you install drivers for your graphics card? If you did, not sure what's wrong. It seems like the game isn't able to set resolution and color depth correctly. Maybe the way the launcher is enumerating the list of resolutions is done differently than the game.

You could also try 16bit colors in the launcher's Options > More page, but I don't know if that will work.
I made sure the graphics driver and tried 16 bit mode. I can get the game to run, but I still can't change anything in the launcher in terms of resolution.