I'm wondering if there is an equipment management addon out there for us to use. An addon that can be used to change your equipment with a UI and/or shortcuts rather than the in-game (clunky by 2023 standards) UI. I've mocked up such an addon in the image below. Is there an addon like this available? Also, would this sort of plugin be allowed?
Assuming this would be allowed and is not available, how interested would you all (the players) be in such an addon? I'm no addon author, I'm just curious to explore this concept as I feel like this would be a high-value new QoL feature. Thanks!

Assuming this would be allowed and is not available, how interested would you all (the players) be in such an addon? I'm no addon author, I'm just curious to explore this concept as I feel like this would be a high-value new QoL feature. Thanks!