Dy/Vill's Trade List


S> Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/20/35h] - 1 PD
Arrest Raygun [0/0/0/0/45h] - 1 PD
Arrest Raygun [0/0/0/45/45h] - 1 PD
Rianov 303SNR-5 [0/25/0/20/] - 1 PD
Branch of Pakupaku [0/0/0/0] - 1 PD
Guren [0/0/0/0] - 1 PD
Kusanagi [0/0/0/30] - 1 PD
Morning Prayer [2/10] [20/20] - 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [0/45/0/0] - 1 PD
Branch of Pakupaku - 1 PD
Flame Garment [47/50] [2/20] 0 slot - 3 PD
Black Hound Cuirass [29/30] [0/0] 0 slot - 3 PD
Black Odoshi Domaru [5/10] [10/10] 2 slot - 1 PD
Red Odoshi Domaru [8/10] [3/10] 0 slot - 1 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [3/10] [4/10] 0 slot - 1 PD
Red Coat [10/10] [4/10] 2 slot- 1 PD
Smoking Plate [41/50] [7/20] 1 slot - 2 PD
Smoking Plate [30/50] [0/20] 4 slot - 2 PD
Lieutenant Mantle [17/21] [7/18] 0 slot - 1 PD
Secure Feet [11/50] [3/15] - 2 PD
Striker Plus [10/10] [3/10] - 1 PD
Recovery Barrier [3/5] [4/5] - 1 PD
Heart of Laconium Axe - (currently on auction: https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/a-heart-of-laconium-axe.29259/)
S-beat's Arms - 1 PD (can convert before sell)
GiGue Body- 2 PD (can convert before sell)
G-assassin Arms - 2 PD (can convert before sell)
Parts of Barantz - 1 PD (can convert before sell)
FO tech set (lvl 29 atk techs, lvl 30 support techs, anti 7, reverser, ryuker. **grants and megid not included**) - 5 PD (unavailable)
Def Mats x99- 1 PD (unavailable)
Evade Mats x99 - 1 PD
Mind Mats x25 - 1 PD
Power Mats x14 - 1 PD
Luck Mats x4 - 1 PD
(You want) Meseta - (I want) PD
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