Introducing another quality of life addon, which brings a couple enhancements over the mapitem.txt minimap configuration file. What this does is provide directional indication of where desirable drops are located with respect to the direction your character is facing. Very similar to the Item Reader (floor) addon, you are able to filter %hit non-rare weapons. You can adjust the height of the individual 'tick' markers for various drops, so a rare weapon might be taller and thicker (bold) than a monomate.
Here's a video showcasing the Drop Radar Addon.
I'll continue to improve this addon, but feel free to install and use the beta version while more features are being worked in.
>Drop Radar Addon Here<
Check out the front page in github, You'll see in more detail exactly what it does with .gif videos.
Here's a video showcasing the Drop Radar Addon.
I'll continue to improve this addon, but feel free to install and use the beta version while more features are being worked in.
- now supports custom color and transparency
- added invert and reverse options for item directionality
- filter by distance and viewing cone (angle)
- completely reworked configuration menu - its actually presentable!
>Drop Radar Addon Here<
GitHub - X9Z0-M2/psobb-drop-radar: PSOBB Lua Addon for directional hud indicators to valuable drops
PSOBB Lua Addon for directional hud indicators to valuable drops - X9Z0-M2/psobb-drop-radar
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