

*old thread, please ignore*

paying big pds for some of this. I added some rough values that may differ depending on percents (in many instances i know there are only a couple of these items in existence but figured id throw some values out there just in case ;)).

Flowens 50 + hit with N or D or both (50: 135, 55: 225)
Yunchang 40+ hit (40: 75, 45: 140, 50: 250, 55: 400)
Vjaya 60+ hit (60: 175, 65: 325)
DoB 60+Hit n/m (60: 200, 65: 400)
SoF 55+ Hit (can trade 50H+other stuff for it) (55: 400)
Jizai 45+Hit (45: 100, 50: 175)
Excal 30+Hit (30: 140, 35: 300) (depends on stats as well..)
HS 20+ hit (20: 45, 25: 80, 30: 200, 35: 375) (depends on other stats as well..)
Frozen shooter 35+ hit (35: 35, 40: 60, 45: 115, 50: 225, 55: 400)
Demons srank cards (60)
Hell srank needle (60)
Spread Needle 45+hit (45: 55, 50: 80)

I have:
55h dob
Neis claw
Among other things.
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Reactions: Dab
30/0/0/0|40 Yunchang

Feel free to make me an offer, you can reach me on Discord at Red#5959
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i know this is old, but do you still have the neis claw? if so, how much for it?
I saw other Nei's Claes out there, just can't really remember who got them xd think one of them was @Alisaryn? Sry, can't sell mine xd okay, maybe I could have a weak moment if you offer a 30h
lame/xcal with m/d on it xd
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All i have are 50pds xd im not rich enough i guess lol but im saving till i get 100pds, then i will make a post looking for one unu/