Disbanded. Delete.

You can reply to me here in this thread, direct message me, or contact me via discord @ firehouse83

This team isn't meant for only old farts, or PSO Vets (although, being 40 and a multi-decade PSO Vet myself, I probably fit the profile for both, lol). It is meant for everyone to come, relieve stress and just have fun. That's the whole key of playing any game. HAVING FUN. That's the point of this team.

This team is newly created, as of 3/11/202024. There are no team perks open. I have a flag, at the ready. I just need some fun and energetic players to join me in this fun fest, we all know and love, here on Ephinea. Come old vets! Come new players! Let's enjoy Ephinea PSO BB together!

My Characters:
AngusACDC (HUmar) Lv 123
Sub Zero (RAmar) Lv 141 (Main)
Red Rocker (HUcast) Lv 22 (Currently leveling)
Shandi (RAmarl) Lv 2
Bananas! (HUcaseal) Lv 1

  • Play at least somewhat often
  • No disrespect to any player, at any level. We're here to have fun and help everyone we possibly can.
I have a Discord (firehouse83), but I do not know how to make a server and how to run it. If someone, who joins the team, knows how to make one....by all means, I'll turn that over to you, lol. I'm so old school, that I only really used message boards for stuff, haha.
Mew APPROVES of this Grizzled team~!!!