Dark Fazl : warp straight to the Hunter's Guid Office


Vampire Gothic Lolita ADN Mutated
Hello Fellow Hunters & Moderators ^w^,

don't know if that is a bug...but i think it was the first time it happens to me : Meier killed Dark Falz and herself because he has taken her soul. So, she got instantly teleported straight to the Hunter's Guild office.
I barely managed to record the game.

What weapon / special were you using? You don't take damage from the soul steal if you manage to kill Falz.
You died 1 bullet before Falz died. L&K38 fires fast enough for multiple bullets in transit at range. It's not a hitscan weapon--the photon bullets are just invisible. This is why hard attacks with it can often miss enemies at range (one bullet pushes the monster back but the next bullet was already fired).

The bullet that killed you did 263 or 283 damage, and the one that killed Falz did 267 damage.

One person mode always sends you back to P2 after you die without scapes. The quest cleared because Falz was dead and you returned to P2. Not really any bugs, and sadly this means you can't go back and get the loot. It's an issue in most quests with Falz. Even if the Falz defeated check was changed to something better, the quest would have the same problem.
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Thanks for precise explanation !

I didn't go to the infirmary because Dark Falz was killed by one of the bullets that hit him after I died myself.
But what's funny is that you can hear the soundtrack "Healing" for 1 second in the Hunter's Guild room.
Indeed, I was unable to return and collect the loot. Maybe I dropped the Red Ring. Who knows ^w^.

Regardless, it was fun !