connection in progress.. cant log in


HI, ive been having this problem for a long time now and try so many thing that im about to give up this game for good..

it is so frustrating, i try to log in the server and its stuck on connection in progress forever 9 time out of 10 and when i finally have luck and just connect i have 50% chance for the game to just crash after selesting my character.....

i seriously looked up all the solution i could online and tried them all.. nothing work; like whitelisting in my AV, start game in admin, different internet, i even resetted my whole pc To name a few and yet still... the....same.... CONNECTION IN PROGRESS....... FOREVER

Probably something on your end that's blocking the connection. Not sure. I see you trying to connect in the login logs but you never make it past the initial connection.

Looks like you've tried with only that account. Can you make a new account and see if that new account is able to login, just to rule out whether it's something specific with your account or if it's something on your end blocking the connection?
nevermind, i decided to do a clean reformat of my pc and start from fresh again and this time i installed following religiously the guide of Nikki and it works right now :)

might be worth mentionning that i had a lot of mod before so maybe that was an issue