[closed] S> some old anniversary badges


x86 gold
x10 silver
x32 bronze


In the Anniversary Shop, there are nine NPCs who would love to do business with you and your badges.

The Bronze, Silver and Gold Badge Shops
Location: The plaza next to the bank
Each of these shop attendants will trade flat item rewards for badges.

Currency: Bronze

1 - Music Disk (Random)
1 = Trigrinder
5 = Soul Eater
5 = Suppressed Gun
5 = Technical Crozier
8 = Addslot
15 = Shifta Merge (Min)
15 = Deband Merge (Min)
20 = Butterfly Net
20 = Bamboo Spear
50 = Chu Chu Fever
50 = Bunny Ears
50 = Cat Ears

Currency: Silver

1 = Def Material
1 = Evade Material
1 = Power Material
1 = Mind Material
2 = HP Material
2 = TP Material
8 = Broom
8 = Chameleon Scythe
8 = Crazy Tune
8 = Toy Hammer
8 = Samba Maracas
8 = Harisen Battle Fan
8 = Flower Cane
8 = Wok of Akiko's Shop
10 = Luck Material
12 = Item Ticket
12 = Photon Crystal
30 = Daisy Chain
50 = Heart of YN-0117

Currency: Gold

1 = Imperial Pick (0/0/0/0|30)
1 = Red Mechgun (0/0/0/0|30)
1 = Windmill (0/0/0/0|30)
2 = Smartlink
2 = V501
6 = Parasitic Cell Type D
5 = Red Merge
5 = Blue Merge
5 = Yellow Merge
6 = Flame Garment (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
6 = Electro Frame (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
8 = Aura Field (250 DFP, 140 EVP)
5 = Pioneer Parts
10 = Magic Rock "Heart Key"
50 = Photon Sphere

The Hunter from Ragol
Location: Tyrell's Office

The Hunter can be a little rough around the edges, but you can't argue with his stock. If you bring him Gold Badges, you can trade him for one of his weapons. If you're lucky, you might get one with Hit. He's done away with the tier system from last year; all weapons will cost 2 Gold Badges.

He's changed up his business model since last year. Since very few people were drawn to his triple price deal, he's abandoned that in favor of a gamble; the Hunter is sick of properly tekking items for you, so you can buy a random untekked weapon for 1 Gold Badge. They can potentially have higher percentages, but you don't get to choose which weapon you'll get.

Currency: Gold

Chain Sawd
Diska of Braveman
Flowen's Sword (3084)
M&A60 Vise
Ano Rifle
Maser Beam
Spread Needle
Frozen Shooter
Holy Ray
Soul Banish
Tyrell's Parasol
(Gamble Only) Durandal
(Gamble Only) L&K14 Combat
(Gamble Only) Ano Bazooka
(Gamble Only) Final Impact
(Gamble Only) Angry Fist

The Scavenger from Ragol
Location: Next to the bank

The Scavenger loves three things: himself, his operation, and Silver Badges. This greedy snake will happily take your Silvers in exchange for random common weapons with random specials. He won't let you choose the type or special, but you can choose the color tier. These weapons come with, at minimum, 50 hit, and no other percentages.

He has expanded the scope of his looting, and now includes Yellow tier weapons in his trade. But be warned: the higher the color quality, the lower your chances of finding a weapon with 55 or 60 hit will be. Conversely, compared to last year, it will be significantly easier to find those hit values on Green and Blue weapons.

Currency: Silver

All weapons cost 1 Silver Badge.
Color selection: Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Yellow
Weapon types: Saber, Handgun, Dagger, Rifle, Slicer, Shot, Partisan, Mechgun
Special types: Berserk, Spirit, Charge, Gush, Geist, Arrest, Chaos, Demon's, Hell

Hit Rates (55H/60H)

Green: 60%/30%
Blue: 40%/20%
Purple: 20%/10%
Red: 10%/5%
Yellow: 4%/1%

The Thief from Ragol
Location: Medical Center

Back from her misadventure in Caves, the Thief will let you gamble your Bronze Badges for exotic prizes. Her selection of items consists mostly of those available from Coren; those who trade with her may find a variety of units, armors and shields, most of which are aimed to help newer players.

While she hasn't changed her stock since last year, she seems to be bothered by something...

Currency: Bronze

Common Rewards:

Uncommon Rewards:
Three Seals

Rare Rewards:
Invisible Guard
Sacred Guard
S-Parts ver2.01
Honeycomb Reflector
Hunter's Shell
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