Buying/Trading for Heaven Punisher


I am looking for anyone with a spare Heaven Punisher

Will trade:
- 95 Photon Drops
- Red Ring
- i have a few coveted mag units
- 3 item tickets
- 30+ lucky eggs

I don't know what the going rate is for H.Punisher...but i would like to try to buy one for what i'm offering here.

I'm trying to make Mille Marteaux as I have a 40%hit Ophelia

Message me or find me..

James Jr - Fomar 200
Maria - Ramarl 170+
Smoke - Humar 120+
JMS110251 - Hucast 100+
James V - Fonewm 100+
Unless the defense on that RR is about 70+ out of a possible 85, or you have about another stack of PDs, you're going to be a little short as HP usually goes for 300+
Though, if you auctioned that 40h OS, you could possibly have more than enough for one but I doubt that would be a move you'd wanna make. :confused: