Buying 6 Photon Spheres.


I'll pay someone 550 PDs if they have 6 Spheres they can sell me. Just PM me.

(I'm gonna leave this up for a week or so and then just buy them from Paganini, which I hope to avoid.)


Edit: I miscounted. I'd still be happy to buy 6, but I actually need 7 Spheres. I would pay 642 PDs for 7 Spheres (same ratio).
I'm a patient man and I'm pretty burned out from the event, so I'll give this two weeks. That way people have more time to think about what they wanna do with their Spheres.
I'll bump it up to 93 PDs per Sphere.

Also this doesn't have to be "7 Spheres or bust." If you have one or two that you'd like to sell for 93 PDs, let me know.