Beeg's Smol Shop


WELCOME to Beeg's - Updated 12/23/2024
Beeg's accepts meseta @ 500k:1pd rate, coal @ 8:1 rate, Halloween cookies are worth 4pds.
If you want to negotiate anything, I'm happy to have that conversation.
Angry Fist [25/0/15/0|65] 1pd good for vol opt
Girasole [0/20/0/0|0] 1pd
Kunai [30/0/20/15|0] 1pd
Agito (1980) [20/0/25/15|0] 1pd book of katana component
Agito (1980) [5/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 1pd book of katana component
Musashi [0/0/0/15|0] 1pd book of katana component
Yamato [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd book of katana component
Shichishito [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd book of katana component
S-Beat's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd good hell weapon
S-Beat's Blade [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd good hell weapon
Soul Banish [20/0/30/0|0] 0.5pd
Soul Banish [0/30/15/0|0] 0.5pd
Soul Banish [0/0/0/0|0] 0.5pd
G-Assassin's Sabers [0/0/0/0|0] 2pd standstill plating component
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
Charge Gungnir +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd great for low level characters
DB's Saber (3069 Chris) [5/0/0/0|0] 0.5pd all characters can use
DB's Saber (3073) [30/0/0/0|20] 0.5pd all characters can use
Demon's Gladius +7 [40/0/0/30|55] 0.5pd
Dragon Slayer [0/0/20/0|20] 0.5pd
Madam's Umbrella [0/0/30/0|0] 0.5pd boosts buff range
Red Saber [0/0/0/0|25] 0.5pd great on FoNewearl
Red Sword [15/0/0/30|0] 0.5pd

Toy Hammer [0/0/0/0|20] 0.5pd used for skipping in seabed
Vjaya +15 [30/0/0/0|35] 0.5pd
Heaven Striker [15/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 2pd
Diska of Braveman [0/25/0/0|20] 0.5pd
Diska of Braveman +9 [0/0/0/0|20] 0.5pd
Berserk Raygun +15 [0/0/40/0|60] 50pd or best offer
Tension Blaster [0/0/0/0|0] 30pd honeycomb plating component
Arrest Autogun [0/0/0/0|65] 12pd event-only item
Berserk TypeME/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|40] 4pd event-only item
Charge TypeGU/Hand [0/0/0/0|40] 4pd event-only item
Charge TypeGU/Hand [0/0/0/0|40] 4pd event-only item
Charge TypeGU/Hand [0/0/0/0|40] 4pd event-only item
Charge TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|35] 4pd event-only item
Berserk TypeGU/Hand [0/0/0/0|40] 3pd event-only item
Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|35] 3pd event-only item
Anti Android Rifle [20/0/0/30|15] 2pd epsilon plating component
Panzer Faust [0/0/0/0|0] 2pd standstill plating component
Panzer Faust [25/0/25/0|0] 2pd standstill plating component
Rage de Feu [0/0/0/0|0] 0.5pd
Blizzard Raygun +5 [45/0/0/0|50] 0.5pd
Blizzard Raygun +6 [50/30/0/0|50] 0.5pd
Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/20|0] 1pd good for bosses
Demon's Raygun +5 [0/0/30/30|45] 0.5pd
Yasminkov 3000R [0/15/15/0|0] 0.5pd
Flame Visit [0/0/55/25|0] 1pd cat plating component
Ophelie Seize [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd

Ophelie Seize [0/0/30/0|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [0/25/0/0|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [0/25/0/5|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [20/0/30/0|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [25/0/0/0|0] 1pd
Ophelie Seize [5/0/0/5|0] 1pd
Mahu [0/0/0/15|45] 1pd great for TP recovery
Branch of Pakupaku [0/5/10/0|0] 1pd makes striker of chao
Solferino [0/0/0/0|20] 1pd buffs resta range
Solferino [0/25/0/0|15] 1pd buffs resta range
Solferino [35/0/25/0|20] 1pd buffs resta range
Glide Divine [0/0/0/0|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [0/25/0/35|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [10/0/0/0|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [20/0/0/0|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [5/0/0/5|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [20/0/0/0|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Glide Divine [25/0/15/0|0] 1pd extends debuff range, Mercurius Rod component
Fire Scepter: Agni [0/0/0/0|0] 0.3pd 20% all foie techs
Ice Staff: Dagon [0/15/15/0|0] 0.3pd 20% all barta techs
Ice Staff: Dagon [35/0/35/0|0] 0.3pd 20% all barta techs
Storm Wand: Indra [0/0/20/20|30] 0.3pd 20% all zonde techs
Storm Wand: Indra [0/0/0/0|25] 0.3pd 20% all zonde techs
Club of Laconium [5/0/0/0|0] 0.3pd 40% foie boost
Club of Laconium [15/0/0/0|35] 0.3pd 40% foie boost
Club of Laconium [15/15/0/0|0] 0.3pd 40% foie boost
Club of Laconium [0/0/15/0|0] 0.3pd 40% foie boost
Mace of Adaman [15/0/0/0|25] 0.3pd 40% barta boost
Mace of Adaman [15/0/40/20|0] 0.3pd 40% barta boost
Mace of Adaman [20/0/0/25|0] 0.3pd 40% barta boost
Club of Zumiuran [55/0/0/0|0] 0.3pd 40% zonde boost
Club of Zumiuran [0/10/0/0|0] 0.3pd 40% zonde boost
Club of Zumiuran [25/0/25/0|0] 0.3pd 40% zonde boost
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou (Slots: 1) (DFP+1 EVP+0) 1pd
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+21 EVP+0) 0.5pd highest def armor
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+22 EVP+0) 0.5pd highest def armor
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 1) (DFP+14 EVP+0) 0.5pd highest def armor
Black Hound Cuirass (Slots: 1) (DFP+20 EVP+0) 0.5pd highest def armor
D-Parts ver2.10 (Slots: 0) (DFP+5 EVP+0) 0.5pd
Guard Wave (Slots: 0) (DFP+7 EVP+6) 0.5pd
Lieutenant Mantle (Slots: 1) (DFP+21 EVP+9) 1pd gives trap vision
Mother Garb (Slots: 0) (DFP+3 EVP+1) 3pd fonewm only, tp cost reduction
Mother Garb (Slots: 3) (DFP+6 EVP+5) 3pd fonewm only, tp cost reduction
Mother Garb (Slots: 3) (DFP+9 EVP+3) 3pd fonewm only, tp cost reduction
Red Coat (Slots: 1) (DFP+2 EVP+2) 0.5pd
Black Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 0) (DFP+2 EVP+10) 0.5pd book of katana component
Black Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 0) (DFP+4 EVP+3) 0.5pd book of katana component
Black Odoshi Red Nimaidou (Slots: 1) (DFP+7 EVP+0) 0.5pd book of katana component
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 0) (DFP+1 EVP+10) 0.5pd book of katana component
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 3) (DFP+3 EVP+10) 0.5pd book of katana component
Red Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 4) (DFP+2 EVP+2) 0.5pd book of katana component
Star Cuirass (Slots: 0) (DFP+18 EVP+0) 0.5pd
Star Cuirass (Slots: 4) (DFP+3 EVP+0) 1pd
Genpei (DFP+0 EVP+0) 5pd
Flowen's Shield (DFP+0 EVP+3) 1pd From The Depths component
Flowen's Shield (DFP+6 EVP+6) 1pd From The Depths component
Gods Shield "Genbu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) 0.5pd Gods Shield "Kouryu" component
Gods Shield "Seiryu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) 0.5pd Gods Shield "Kouryu" component
Gods Shield "Seiryu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) 0.5pd Gods Shield "Kouryu" component
Shield of Delsaber (DFP+0 EVP+0) 2pd Delsaber Plating component
Shield of Delsaber (DFP+0 EVP+0) 2pd Delsaber Plating component
Assist Barrier (DFP+2 EVP+3) 0.5pd
Yellow Barrier (DFP+0 EVP+5) 0.5pd
Yellow Barrier (DFP+2 EVP+5) 0.5pd
Yellow Barrier (DFP+0 EVP+5) 0.5pd
Gods Shield "Genbu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) 1pd God's Shield "Kouryu" component
Gods Shield "Seiryu" (DFP+0 EVP+0) 1pd God's Shield "Kouryu" component
Gratia (DFP+15 EVP+8) 0.5pd
Gratia (DFP+17 EVP+4) 0.5pd
Gratia (DFP+5 EVP+3) 0.5pd
Rico's Earring (DFP+31 EVP+10) 1pd
Rico's Earring (DFP+59 EVP+6) 1pd
Rupika (DFP+5 EVP+2) 10pd boosts shifta range, standstill plating component
Yata Mirror (DFP+11 EVP+18) 1pd book of katana component
V801 7pd speeds up casting
V801 7pd speeds up casting
V801 7pd speeds up casting
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Battle 1pd
Heavenly/Power 1pd
Heavenly/Power 1pd
Heavenly/Power 1pd

Heavenly/Resist 1pd
PB/Create 1pd PB/Increase component
God/Ability 0.5pd
God/Battle 0.5pd
God/HP 0.5pd
God/Mind 0.5pd
God/Mind 0.5pd
Heavenly/Luck 0.5pd
Heavenly/Luck 0.5pd
HP/Revival 0.5pd
HP/Revival 0.5pd
God/TP free
Heavenly/Body free
Heavenly/Legs free
Heavenly/Legs free
Magic Rock "Moola" 0.5pd
Magic Rock "Moola" 0.5pd
Book of Hitogata 4pd
Rose Paint 5pd
Monogrinder x99 1pd
Digrinder x99 2pd
Trigrinder x99 3pd
Mind Material x99 3pd
HP Material x99 7pd
Evade Material x99 1pd
Amplifier of Foie 0.5pd
Amplifier of Shifta 0.5pd
Amplifier of Red 1pd
Bringer's Right Arm 1pd everyone needs demons
Gobooma's Right Arm 1pd Heart Plating component
Gobooma's Right Arm 1pd Heart Plating component
Hildeblue's Head 1pd Bunny Plating component
S-beat's Arms 1pd good hell weapon
S-beat's Arms 1pd good hell weapon
Delsaber's Left Arm 2pd Delsaber Plating component
Delsaber's Left Arm 2pd Delsaber Plating component
Delsaber's Right Arm 2pd Delsaber Plating component
Grass Assassin's Arms 2pd Standstill Plating component
Sinow Berill's Arms 2pd Standstill Plating component
Amitie's Memo 10pd
Kit of Hamburger 1pd
Kit of Mark III 2pd
Kit of Mark III 2pd
Mag Kit 20pd
Stealth Kit 6pd
Stealth Kit 6pd
I have multiple copies of every tech set except for lvl15 attack techs. Please DM me for a tech set, and we'll cut a deal.

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Hello Fellow Hunter,

Can i buy these items ? :
  • Excalibur [0/0/0/65|0] 17pd
  • Flowen's Sword (3084) [25/0/0/0|20] 2pd
48: Monkey King Bar [0/25/15/0|20] 1pd
39: Flame Visit [0/15/0/0|15] 1pd
19: Charge Vulcan +9 [0/0/0/0|50] 1pd?

I will be on later in about an hour if you are around.