Back from Xbox

Welcome back. If you see me online I’m usually always down to help n00bs powerlevel if you are interested. Cya around and enjoy your stay!
Hello, i've been in game as Luna. I started as a HUnewearl and I'm starting a RAmar and a FOnewm soon! I played on the xbox days and am looking forward to getting to know the community. Discord has been wonderful so far and excited to meet you all.
EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines Luna-san wiff a warm fanged giggle~!* Mew could swear she's greeted you once before out on Fodra lobby! =3! And as a loved one stated before, most of us are always quite willing to halp get your 'mojo' back and be less......Squishy! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you, too! Welcome HOME~! =3