Back from Bad Internet-land.


i'm interested in this.
Started playing on Ephinea back in 2017-ish, but then had to move to a place that had crappy, intermittent internet. (You may remember a RAcast named Gravlax farting around on Fodra back then). Finally moved with new, shiny internets in tow, so I'm back! I'm getting back into the swing of things with a HUcaseal named Lutefiska (gotta keep the Scandinavian food tradition alive, you see), and hope to terrorize the wildlife of Ragol some more!
Started playing on Ephinea back in 2017-ish, but then had to move to a place that had crappy, intermittent internet. (You may remember a RAcast named Gravlax farting around on Fodra back then). Finally moved with new, shiny internets in tow, so I'm back! I'm getting back into the swing of things with a HUcaseal named Lutefiska (gotta keep the Scandinavian food tradition alive, you see), and hope to terrorize the wildlife of Ragol some more!
Looking forward to Pouncing and Playing wiff you too! Welcome Home! =3