B>Live and Learn Music track


I only really have meseta at this point to offer but I am looking to amass a collection of this track for a fun day of spamming this track in my group. Yes I know Max attack S has it already but we don't always run that Quest. Donations would be lovely.

Thank you
I can actually check to see if I have any spare of this track when I get home later today. I can update you then.
I think you can buy them in the Gallon's Shop? Not sure if all are available there. Maybe you knew this already.
I can actually check to see if I have any spare of this track when I get home later today. I can update you then.

I know you gave me 2 already cause I posted it in my introduction post as well haha

I think you can buy them in the Gallon's Shop? Not sure if all are available there. Maybe you knew this already.

I did not, I only played PSO for Gcube offline so all the online only quests are still new to me.