B>HUcast gear

If you want to be more specific I would recommend you get Arrest and Hell ES J-Cutters (60 each), 60H Charge Gatling (20), and a hit Excal (you can probably afford 25-30H depending on stats).

Then you have a pretty good loadout, assuming you have essentials outside of weapons - V502, PoSS, Red Ring, etc.
also have an event zanba 0/0/0/0|30 if interested, i k it doesnt have N like ur looking for
hey man, just made my post a little more clear but this is my current loadout and im looking to get better items than what I currently have
If you want to be more specific I would recommend you get Arrest and Hell ES J-Cutters (60 each), 60H Charge Gatling (20), and a hit Excal (you can probably afford 25-30H depending on stats).

Then you have a pretty good loadout, assuming you have essentials outside of weapons - V502, PoSS, Red Ring, etc.
yeah man i just need an RR outside of that stuff but cant even use it yet so not a super priority.