B> Angel Plating Materials


Reverend of the Church of RNGesus

Today, I embark on a quest to gather ingredients to make an Angel Plating so I may put my faith in RNGesus on display always.

Currently sourcing the following:
  1. Angel's Wing x1 ~9pds
  2. Sorcerer's Cane x10 2pd/ea
  3. Angel Ring x3​
  • Sacred Guard x3 x1 1pd/ea
  • Light Relief x3 1pd/ea
  • Rappy's Wing x3 x2 1x 250k/ea?
  • Magic Rock "Moola" x3 2x x1250k/ea
4. Adept x1 35pds

5. Nei's Claw x1 ~2XXpds: Early on, I found one of these and gave it away due to ignorance as it has little value in other iterations of the game.
RNGesus knew what I would want and provided me the means yet I waved it away in pursuit of familiar.

I shall soon adorn this halo as a symbol of my repentance and faith.

All praise due to the Patron of Probability, the Arbiter of Outcomes, the Bell Curve Benefactor; RNGesus.
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Hello Fellow Hunter ^w^,
i can sell Rappy's Wing x2 & Sacred Guard x2
I have been praying non-stop for a Nei's but RNGesus does not agree that it is yet time stop. I shall continue until el Patron de Possibilidades sees fit to bless me. If you know anyone with a Nei's for sale don't hesitate to reach out.