A little overdue, but Hello Ephinea!


Hello Ephinea!

First off, I would like to say that the Ephinea community has been very accepting and overall very nice to be with. On my first day of login, I relieved so much help in the form of carries and PD items that I knew my time here would not be wasted.

As for myself, I am a returning player but from a different server. I played on SCHTHack about a decade ago when I was ignorant of %s and Item swapping. I enjoyed my time when I was a wee bab over there and hope to relive those experiences here.

I'd like to thank to all the people who have gotten me far and settled me into the game!

My other interests include: Weeb Trash stuff, LoL, and Hearthstone.

I hope to see you in the lobbies,
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hey, played a couple of vh ttfs with you the other day but it's nice to properly say hello

welcome aboard and congrats on a hell of a way to start out
Hello Ephinea!

First off, I would like to say that the Ephinea community has been very accepting and overall very nice to be with. On my first day of login, I relieved so much help in the form of carries and PD items that I knew my time here would not be wasted.

As for myself, I am a returning player but from a different server. I played on SCHTHack about a decade ago when I was ignorant of %s and Item swapping. I enjoyed my time when I was a wee bab over there and hope to relive those experiences here.

I'd like to thank to all the people who have gotten me far and settled me into the game!

My other interests include: Weeb Trash stuff, LoL, and Hearthstone.

I hope to see you in the lobbies,
*POUNCES and examines Shina-san closely!* You will find MOST if not All of us are SCHT Refugees here too dear! So be prepared in case you stumble across a few old faces <3. Its Wonderful to count you among us rather than lose you to any of the other so-called 'servers' out there. Yes! Your mew is BIASED dammit! lol =3 We are quite close here a treat eachother like family here. Welcome to the tribe and Welcome Home! =3