A> Heart of Samba Maracas (CHB: V502(30PD) + 10PD = 40PD)[ENDED]


Minimum bid: 30 pds or something equivalant from the want list
Countdown: 72h
Wants: pds, v502, Twin Blaze, Heavenly/Mind(max 4x)


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Since I recieved a PM of how much v502 is valued in this auction I may show here the following history of bids translated into pds: 30(Meecho), 31(alex), 32(Meecho), 32 (soutalo). Auctions work by always having to bid higher than the previous bidder and that makes Meecho's bid the highest currently. I have stated on discord that I have gone down from a minimum bid of 45 to 30 pds as people want the item but not pay the the value given from the price guide which is 40 - 60 pds. My priority is to have have these items sooner than waiting for anybody giving me 40 - 60 and that results in your opportunity to get your bargain for this with PDs or alternatively items from my want list - PDs drop regularly being sufficient enough but consuming a lot of time considering that cheap items like Twin Blaze are simply not available and offered right.
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In 20 minutes you have.

Édit: Get in touch with me on discord as tiela_56599 or pm me and make an appointment for an online meeting, I am waiting for you as the item remains reserved until the final handover is finished. I am looking forward for the trade and especially the v502. I appreciate your bids everybody and for the record if anybody wants to update the price guide my HoM met the 40 pds mark but the other one on page 2 has been auctioned lower for just 36 actual pds.
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