3 separate items for auction here, please specify which one you're bidding on with all bids.
Note that the below information is likely out of date as it's not updated constantly. Please see all replies to tell the real state of the auctions.
Gifoie Level 30
Res: 100
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 115 staxx
Rafoie Level 30
Res: 20
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 34 dewdadash
Zonde Level 30
Res: 10
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 16 dewdadash
Note that the below information is likely out of date as it's not updated constantly. Please see all replies to tell the real state of the auctions.
Gifoie Level 30
Res: 100
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 115 staxx
Rafoie Level 30
Res: 20
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 34 dewdadash
Zonde Level 30
Res: 10
Countdown: 72hr
Reset 24hr
Current ends at: done
CHB: 16 dewdadash
Last edited: