A>Charge Raygun 40/0/0/0/60 (DONE)


Hello. Winner is Ira!

Reserve - 15PD

Only accepting:

Spread Needle 20-30 Hit - 6-12PD
Event Frozen Shooter (30 Hit) - 15PD
Event Slicer of Fanatic (30 Hit) 10PD

48HR initial CD after reserve met with 24HR resets.YESYESYES.png
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CHB. 24HR from time of quoted bid.
What did you value mine at? And any other wants? Otherwise, I have no idea how to counterbid, because as far as I know mine was worth at least 30, so I guess add 10pd to mine.
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What did you value mine at? And any other wants? Otherwise, I have no idea how to counterbid, because as far as I know mine was worth at least 30, so I guess add 10pd to mine.
I am only accepting the items listed and PDs. My apologies for not making it clear.
1x Event Frozen Shooter 30h + 1x Event Slicer of Fanatic 30h + 15pd - 40pd total.