Auction Rules (READ THIS FIRST!!!) / オークションのルール(初めにお読みください!)

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Staff member
If you wish to auction an item, it must be done in the Auction forums and nowhere else.

Do not make off-topic or derailing posts in the Auction forums. Doing so will get your posts removed and, if it continues, your Auction privileges suspended.

Rules for Sellers
  • State a minimum bid.
    • Your minimum bid must be the lowest you will sell it for. You must be prepared to sell the item instead of backing out. If nobody bids the minimum, you may take the auction down for a later date or adjust the minimum bid as necessary.
  • After the minimum is bid, a countdown must start between 24 to 72 hours in length. The length of this countdown must be specified in the original post.
    • If there is a new current highest bid (CHB) when there are less than 24 hours left in an auction, the countdown is reset to 24 hours. The countdown is reset regardless of how many times it's been reset previously.
  • No PM bids.

Feel free to use this below template to help you set up your auction which complies with the above rules:

Minimum bid:
Reset: 24 hours

Rules for Buyers
  • No PM bids.
  • No retracting if you're the current highest bidder (CHB). There is no grace period for retracting a new bid in which it's clear you will become the CHB.
  • Always make a new post when placing a new bid rather than editing an old one.
  • No placing or modifying bids on behalf of others.
  • Upon winning an auction, you must pay the required amount immediately to the seller.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in a suspension from the Auction forums temporarily. Further infractions will result in a permanent ban from the Auction forums.

If you have any concerns or queries about the rules, please PM me.

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


  • 最低入札額を設定してください。
    • 最低入札額は、あなたがそのアイテムを売ってもいいと思える最低限の額を設定してください。仮に最低設定額のみの入札であったとしても、出品を取り下げることはできません。
  • 最低入札額を設定した後、24時間~72時間の間の任意の時間でカウントダウンが開始されます。
    • 最後の24時間の間に最高入札が更新された場合、カウントダウンは24時間にリセットされます。このリセットは回数制限などはなく、これまでに何回リセットされたかに関係なく必ず行われます。
  • プライベートメッセージでの入札受付はできません。

  • プライベートメッセージでの入札はできません。
  • あなたが現時点での最高入札者 (CHB) である場合は入札を取り下げることができません。また入札を撤回する猶予期間もありません。
  • 新たに入札をする場合は、古い投稿を編集するのではなく、必ず新しく投稿をしてください。
  • 他人の入札を代行したり、変更したりしないでください。2人の入札者間で費用を分割することは認められません。
  • 落札したら、入札価格の全額をすみやかに出品者に支払い、取引を完了してください。

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Simplified the rules so they're more clear and concise. Nothing particularly new.
Can't believe I'm having to put this:
  • Upon winning an auction, you must pay the required amount immediately to the seller.
Trusting friends to pay you later, or expecting friends to let you pay later (allowing you to bid higher than you have) is unfair on all other participants in auctions, and will not be allowed.
Added a rule.
  • No placing or modifying bids on behalf of others.
Any bids you make must be entirely your own. Splitting the cost between two bidders isn't allowed.
Updated a rule.
  • The length of your auction countdown must be specified in the original post.
Updated a rule.
  • If there is a new current highest bid (CHB) during the final 24 hours of an auction, the countdown is reset to 24 hours.
This eliminates auctions with longer reset times, making the maximum reset time always 24 hours. The time after an initial bid until an auction ends may still be anywhere from 24 to 72 hours.
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