
  1. B


    Sold. Idk how to delete threads. Sorry in advance.
  2. IzzyData

    A> VJAYA [20/0/0/0/50] (CHB: 45) (Ended)

    Reserve: 45 pd Countdown: 24 Hours (Highest bid resets countdown) Wants: Photon Drops, Red Ring? ;)
  3. Statusfx

    A> VJAYA [0/40/0/0/70h] CHB: 900 Closed!

    Wants: PDs, and PH only [6:41 PM] Res: 800 Countdown: 48 Hours 24-hour Resets
  4. thegmk


    All items listed are priced using Anniversary Bronze Badges.* Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/0/15|25] - 9 Vjaya [Charge] [0/25/0/0|20] - 8 Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/0/0|25] - 8 Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/30/25|20] - 9 Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/0/0|30] - 10 Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/15/55|0] - 6 Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/25/0|15] - 7...
  5. Spuz

    A> Vjaya [0/30/0/0/50] [CLOSED]

    Reserve: 80pd Countdown: 48hr - @07:56 UTC, 31/12/22 Reset: 24hr CHB: @brnnub w/80pds Minimum Bid Increment: +3pd
  6. Firkraag

    A> Vjaya [100/100/0/0|75] + [0/0/100/100|90] [Sold]

    Sold! for 3650 pd Reserve: 1 pd Countdown: 72 Hours Reset: 48 Hours Min Bid Increment: +3% Wants: Any item that's easy to auction @ 85% market value. Next Auction: 75H+85H Dark Flows (Crazy Tuned)
  7. Usagi

    A> Vjaya 60 hit (DONE @310)

    Min bid: 300 48 hour countdown after first bid 24 hour resets Wants: Psycho Wand (300), min Red Ring (40), PDs/PHs
  8. Firkraag

    T> HU Gear for 45H+ FS/SQ++ [CLOSED]

    Note! I'm NOT interested in selling for pd's! For reasons I am now looking to potentially transition back to RAmarl, that is assuming I am able to lock in some key items for her through trade. I've managed to gather some pretty good HU gear in 2020 and these would all be up for trade towards...
  9. Firkraag

    B> Meseta

    375K:1PD 425K:1PC Meseta purchased at this rate: 152 725 000
  10. Spuz

    A> Vjaya 50h [Done]

    Clean Res: 30pds 48h from 1st CHB 24hr from any others CHB:
  11. Tenyo2

    B>Vjaya 40+Hit, LK38 30+Hit

    Need to complete my loadout, please pm me if you have these items!
  12. Alterbaus

    A> Vjaya [Charge] [20/15/0/0|55] (Closed @ 210)

    Up for auction is this thicc boi down here: reserve: 125 PD countdown: 48H Resets: 24H Accepting: Photon Drops Photon Hoard Photon Sphere @ 98 Wants: v101 @ 25 v502 @ 25 Red Ring - Min Stat @ 50 PD Excalibur - 15H @ 30 PD ARREST Needle @ 40PD w/o special, 90PD w/ Arrest special
  13. frieza

    A> Vjaya (25/15/0/0/40)

    Reserve: 1 PD Wants: PDs 24 hour countdown+resets Maybe someone out there really wants one?? I'm too poor for a Vjaya....