red ring

  1. Brvcx

    [Done] A> Red Ring [62/85] [10/25] [CHB: 82]

    Heya, My very first Red Ring drop, when I don't need one anymore. Wants: -Photon Sphere, valued at 97 PDs -Heart of Daisy Chain, valued at 60 PDs -Heart of DB saber, valued at 35 PDs -Heart of Izmaela, valued at 30 PDs Reserve: 80 PDs Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours Timezone: UTC+01
  2. S

    A > Perfect / Max Stat Red Ring [85/85 | 25/25] CHB - 5195pds - completed

    I used Google translate for translating this into Japanese. Sorry if there are any errors. これにはGoogle翻訳を使用しました。間違いがありましたら申し訳ありません。 Minimum bid: 3500pds 最低入札価格: 3500pds Countdown: 72 hours カウントダウン: 72時間 Wants: Sealed J-Sword 0-25h - DM me Tsumikiri J-Sword 0-25h - DM me Red Sword 45h - 50pd...
  3. A

    A> Red Ring (DFP+63 EVP+6) DONE: 75

    Reserve: 1 Countdown: 72hr Wants: PDs Gold badges (1:1) It currently has Yellow Paint on, but I can use a Red Paint on it to turn it back to default if you'd like.
  4. Googolbonker

    Red Ring, Rappy Mag, and Hamburger Mag Skins! (Fixed Files)

    Hello! Here are Skins I made for Red Rings, Rappy Mags, Hamburger Mags! Red Ring Skins: Currently-available Rings and Skins through Paints (old Skin on top vs new Skin on bottom): Red, Black, Blue, Chartreuse, Cyan, Green, Onyx Orange, Purple, Rose, Ultramarine, Violet, White, Yellow Ring...
  5. Nayu

    A> Red Ring [78/85] [10/25]

    Minimum bid: 250 PD Countdown: 48h Reset: 24h Wants: PDs Low stat RR @ 65pd Hell Needle w/spec @ 80pd
  6. C

    A>Red Ring 80/85 DFP 5/25 EVP

    Res: 260 CD: 72 hours Reset: 24 hours Wants: 30H+ Lame/Excalibur 75H Calibur 30H+ Heaven Striker Syncesta
  7. FuMM

    A> Red Ring (61/85) (15/25) closed: 70

    Minimum bid: 70 Countdown:72 Hours
  8. Bojac

    PDA> Red Ring (71/85 2/25) [Closed]

    Current Highest Bidder (CHB): Horigo with 150PD Minimum bid: 90PD Countdown: 72hrs Congratulations to @horigo for the winning bid of 150PD
  9. A

    Red Ring (Max DFP) [85/85|15/25] Done@1000

    Red Ring (Max DFP) [85/85|15/25] Wants: PDs, PWand(valued at 240PD) Reserve Price: 500PD Minimum Bid Increment: 5PD Countdown: 72 hours (Reserve met at 12/29/2023 6:19 PM EST) Reset: 24 hours Winner: RUGAL19 @ 1000
  10. FuMM

    (CLOSED) A> Red Ring [ 46/85 ] [ 23/25 ]

    Minimum bid: 90pd Countdown: 48 hours Wants: Photon drops and PHs Red Ring [ 46/85 ] [ 23/25 ]
  11. Emissara

    B> Min-Stat/Med Stat Red Ring [Completeted]

    Buying Min to Med stat RR. Fastest way to reach me is in Discord [Emissara]. Why is it Med not Mid?
  12. Elle

    Done- Red Ring 56/85 3/25 chb 120

    Res: 60 PD Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours Accepting: PDs Minimum Bid Increase: 5PD
  13. Cyhyraeth

    A> Red Ring [4/85 22/25] (DONE @90)

    CHB: @Jamcram w/ 90 Reserve: 1 Initial CD (48 hr from bid): Reset CD (24 hr from bid): 23/08/22 @17:10 (UTC)
  14. Spuz

    A> Red Ring [2/85 | 21/25] [DONE]

    CHB: @Nessa w/70pds Reserve: 50 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 26/05/22 @03:20 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: If not pds, wants are as follows:
  15. Z

    A> Red Ring [85/85 | 11/25] (CHB: 990PD) DONE!

    Hey guys! First auction, so please bear with me. Reserve: 250 PDs Countdown: 48 Hrs Reset: 24 Hrs Have fun!
  16. kanae

    a>red ring (*blue) [55/85 | 1/25] {SOLD}

    blue red ring [55/85 | 1/25] res: 40 countdown: 48 hr reset: 24hr
  17. kanae

    pda>red ring 21/85 | 5/25 (sold)

    red ring[21/85 | 5/25] reserve 40 pds countdown 48 hr reset 24 hr
  18. Max Def RR

    Max Def RR

  19. kanae

    pda> red ring [73/85] [6/25] [CLOSED]

    reserve: 87pd initial countdown 48 hours 24 hr reset
  20. EvilUpholsterer

    A> Red Ring (33/85) (16/25) (Done)

    Freshly dropped RR. Reserve: 50 PDs Countdown: 72 hours Wants: Feel free to offer anything you have. Currently looking for some FO/RA stuff.