
  1. Brvcx

    Brvcx' Garage Sale (not selling an actual garage, though)

    Heya, Cleaning out bank after deciding not to pursue platings anymore and the spoils Xmas 2024 gave me I'm not using. Seeing I've been away for about a year I've used the Price Guide to set prices, but I'm all for negotiating (especially if you're interested in more than one thing). All half PD...
  2. AssSlapper

    A > PGF [CHB: 50]

    Auction Time: 24H Reset: 24H Minimum reserve: 40PD PC accepted 1:1PD Cookie 1:4PD GLTA!
  3. Spuz

    A> Arms +10 [0/0/20/0|60] [Done]

    CHB: @Azena w/3pds Reserve: 1 Initial CD: 48hr from bid: 15/06/22 @19:04 (UTC) Reset CD: 24hr from bid: If not pds, wants are as follows:
  4. Firkraag

    A> Arms [30/0/0/60|65] [SOLD]

    SOLD! for 13 pd Dark Meteor?! Reserve: 5 pd Countdown: 24 Hours
  5. Camm

    B> PGF 40pd

    Message here for fast response
  6. 2nd PGF

    2nd PGF

  7. kanae

    s> pgf [sold]

  8. Draft

    A>Parasitic Gene "Flow"(Done(60))

    Chb:60 50 Res Initial 72hrs 24h resets
  9. Dab

    A> Parasitic Gene "Flow" [Closed]

    Reserve: 35 PD 48-hour initial countdown. Resets after 24 hours. Good luck!
  10. br0osh

    T>PGF for RR

    Title PM me. Stats don't matter.
  11. frieza


    I would like to buy a plain PGF. I have PDs
  12. Neng finds a PGF!

    Neng finds a PGF!

  13. Pso131113594802368553


    Wasted on a 50 native 50 machine 50 hit Pillar
  14. PGF GET!

    PGF GET!

    TY Aizen, Zen, Pluto!